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Preparing country-specific parameters


There are several different ways how to prepare a new localised version of ELITECAD for a specific region or country. The easiest way is to copy an existing set of parameters, for instance the well-maintained Austrian, German or English parameters and just translate and adapt them to the country specific needs.

In order to copy parameters, there are two approaches which can be used:

  • Use the ELITECAD Parameter tool (ELITECAD configuration)
  • Use the Parameter template drawings provided by the ELITECAD development team

Copying parameters using the ELITECAD parameter tool

Step one is to launch the “Copy parameter records” tool using the ELITECAD configuration: Afterwards you can select the source parameters which you would like to copy, e.g. global arrow parameters from the English version. The target parameters will be the user parameters of your local region. Finally click “Copy >>” and on the next launch of ELITECAD you will have the new parameters available in your region. All you need to do is modify them to your needs and save them again using “Record->Save”. Once you are satisified you submit your elitecfg folder to the development team.


Copying parameters using the ELITECAD template drawings

If you choose this approach, you first need to obtain the latest parameter template drawings from the ELITECAD development team. These drawings contain a visual representation of each parameter of a certain region. So, you can open the English parameter drawing, select an object, and click “Record->Save” to make it a local user parameter, then apply your desired changes and save it again. When you are satisfied, you submit your elitecfg folder to the development team.


Download parameter template drawings