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Drawing lines

Icon1 Draw toolbar
Draw menu > Draw line

Draw single lines from a start point to an end point.

Line property bar

The line type and line colour can be selected from the line property bar.
In ELITECAD Architecture the renovation planning state can be selected.
Line length and line angle also appear when editing. Changes of the length are applied relative to the start point.

Draw polygon

Icon1 Draw toolbar
Draw menu > Draw

This is used to draw a continuous line. In order to complete the line, the last point must be selected again. The function remains active and more lines can be drawn. If a line has been completed, a new line can be started by selecting another start point. Press the Esc  key or click the cancel function in order to end this function.
A polygon can be selected with a single click. If the Selection mode element part is active, single elements can be accessed.

Polygon property bar

The line type and line colour can be selected from the line property bar.
In ELITECAD Architecture the renovation planning state can be selected.

The program shows the additional functions, which are useful when drawing in the input assistant. The functions can be displayed either in a separate input assistant toolbar or on the cursor by pressing the ++tab++  key.


Invert line direction

The drawing direction is defined by the start and end point of a polygon. The direction can be used to define the start point for the line type.

Polygon via entry of coordinates

Very often it is not possible to capture a point, a certain line length is predefined. These lines can, of course, be constructed with help lines, but it is much easier and more efficient to enter a polygon using coordinates.

Values field

Lengths can be entered directly in the values field. To move to the values field, press the Tab key. In the values field the x value (horizontal), the y value (vertical), the direct value or the angle can be entered.

Value on element or help line

If, when a value is entered, the cursor is on an element or a help line that passes through the marker or a temporary reference point, the entry switches to the direct value and you need only enter the distance, without worrying about the angle or the minus range.
polygon-value-on-aux-line polygon-value-on-element

x, y distance from a given point

(Snapmode to-auto
The capture mode to AUTOcapture is directly integrated into the AUTOcapture mode. If, when a value is entered, the cursor is on a point, the values of this point are removed. The sign for the direction must be taken into consideration.
autocapture-set-distance autocapture-set-distance2

Manipulate Polygon

A created polygon can be modified. The first click on the polygon selects it and the handles appear at the corners.

Polygon 1st click 1st click effect 2. click
selecting-polygon selecting-polygon2 selecting-polygon3 selecting-polygon4

The second click decides which corner or which edge to modify. So that you can tell that the cursor is over a changeable element, it changes its appearance to a quadruple arrow.
Other manipulation functions appear depending on whether a line, a curve, a corner or an end point was clicked. The function last selected is immediately active.

The available manipulation options can be displayed in a separate input assistant toolbar either by pressing the Tab key or on the cursor.

Manipulation options on a corner

Stretch point Delete point
ia_polygon_stretch_point_ ia_polygon_del_point_
polygon-corner-manipulations-stretch-point polygon-corner-manipulations-delete-point
Chamfer Fillet
ia_polygon_chamfer_ ia_polygon_round_
polygon-corner-manipulations-chamfer polygon-corner-manipulations-fillet

Manipulation options on an edge

Insert point Round edge Stretch element
ia_polygon_add_point_ ia_polygon_round_edge_ ia_polygon_stretch_elem_
polygon-side-manipulations-insert-point polygon-side-manipulations-round-edge polygon-side-manipulations-stretch-element

Manipulation options for a corner or edge

Move selection Scale element
manip_move_ manip_scale_
polygon-manipulations-move-selection polygon-manipulations-scale-element

By pressing the  Ctrl  key at the same time, the selection can be copied when moved. When scaling, a reference point must be set as the starting point for scaling.

Move elements parallel Move all edges parallel
ia_polygon_parallel_move_ ia_polygon_parallel_
polygon-manipulations-move-parallel polygon-manipulations-move-all-edges-parallel

Selection element part

For certain manipulations such as move selection or extend elements/move in parallel, it makes sense to perform the manipulation not on the entire polygon but only on certain elements.
To enable individual elements to be selected, the selection mode must be switched to Selection element part. Alternatively, press the Alt  key. Multiple selection is possible with  Shift .

Change polygon

A distinction is made between whether a closed or an open polygon is to be modified.
After selecting the CHANGE function, the drawing functions with which the change can be drawn appear in the input assistant.

Expand/reduce closed polygon by one circle:
First, select the EXPAND OR REDUCE POLYGON function followed by the drawing function CIRCLE.

Drawing function Extend circle Polygon Reduce polygon
ia_polygon_attach_ cir_krmp_ ia_polygon_detach_ cir_krmp_
polygon-manipulations-extend-circle polygon-manipulations-extend-polygon polygon-manipulations-reduce-polygon

Open polygon:
For the open polygon, the extension polygon must be started on the geometry and ended by double-clicking on the geometry. An exception is when you start on an end point. If the polygon cannot be closed properly, the change is not carried out.
ia_polygon_change_ arc_by_3_points_

Rectangle by diagonal

Icon1 Draw toolbar
Draw menu > Rectangle by diagonal

Creating a rectangle by entering two points over a diagonal.
While drawing a rectangle the entry mode can be changed in the input assistant. Three options are available:
rect_by_diag_ Rectangle by diagonal
rect_by_dim_ Rectangle by dimensions and reference point
rect_by_point_edge_ Rectangle by edge and height

Rectangle property bar

The line type and line colour can be selected from the property bar. In ELITECAD Architecture the renovation planning state can be selected.

Rectangle by dimensions and reference point

Icon1 Draw toolbar
Draw menu > Rectangle by dimension and reference point

This function enables the drawing of a rectangle by entering its width and height as well as the optional reference point and a display angle.
While drawing a rectangle the entry mode can be changed in the input assistant. Three options are available:
rect_by_diag_ Rectangle by diagonal
rect_by_dim_ Rectangle by dimensions and reference point
rect_by_point_edge_ Rectangle by edge and height

Rectangle property bar

The line type, line colour, width, height, angle and reference point can be selected from the property bar.
In ELITECAD Architecture the renovation planning state can be selected.

Regular Polygon

regpoly_ Elements toolbar
Draw menu > Regular polygon

This function enables the drawing of a closed, regular polygon.

While drawing a regular polygon the entry mode can be changed in the input assistant. Five options are available:
regpoly_refpt_ Regular polygon with reference point, radius/edge length and angle
regpoly_center_corner_ Regular polygon with centre point and corner
regpoly_center_middle_ Regular polygon with centre point and edge-centre point
regpoly_two_corners_ Regular polygon with two corners
regpoly_two_middles_ Regular polygon with two edge-centre points

Regular Polygon property bar

The line type, line colour, number of corners, edge length, angle position and reference point can be selected from the property bar.
In ELITECAD Architecture the renovation planning state can also be selected.


The lock next to edge length and angle position determines whether the number in the field or the size of the polygon are changed when selecting a different field.
tree_lock_open_ The number field changes and the polygon in the graphics window remains unchanged.
tree_lock_closed_ The size of the polygon changes to match the entry type and the entered length remains unchanged.

Parallel contour

Icon1 Draw toolbar
Draw menu > Parallel contour

This function creates a new contour on one side of the original contour (open or closed) which is displaced so that all points are parallel to the desired distance.

After activating the function, enter the contour distance into the property bar. After selecting the contour, the direction of the parallel contour can be selected by flipping. The selected contour is automatically scanned or the points can be marked over a polygonal chain. Closed profiles are automatically recognised, open profiles must be completed by specifying the end point (close polygon).
In ELITECAD Architecture the renovation planning state can be selected.

Double line

Icon1 Geometry toolbar
Draw menu > Geometry > Double line

This function enables you to create a double line (e.g. pipe, wall) easily. Only a single line representing either one of the sides or the double line's centre line must be drawn.

Double line property bar

The property bar becomes visible as soon as the DOUBLE LINE function is started.

Function Description
line_params_ Line parameters
state_unknown_ Renovation planning state
pen_ Colour selection perimeter contour
linetype_ Line type perimeter contour
pen_ Colour selection centre line
double_line_width_ Width
double_line_start_end_off_ double_line_start_on_ Closed at start
double_line_start_end_off_ double_line_end_on_ Closed at end
double_line_edges_off_ double_line_edges_on_ Corner line
double_line_middle_off_ double_line_middle_on_ Centre line
double_line_open_off_ double_line_open_on_ Connection open or with pen 0

The line is specified by the input of points. The input is completed when the last point is entered twice. The entered line describes either the left or the right side or the centre line.
Depending on the cursor position these options are displayed as a preview and selected by clicking with the mouse button.

Halving of an angle

Icon1 Geometry toolbar
Draw menu > Geometry > Halving of an angle

This function enables elements or help lines with half angles to be generated.

After activating the function, a first and a second element are requested. If two help lines are clicked, a help line is generated.
If at least one element is selected, a line with an active pen/line type is drawn and an additional query for the position of the start and end points appears. The suggested position can be confirmed by hitting [Enter] each time or by clicking the specific points with the mouse.