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Kinematic parameters


General Settings


Here it is specified how often the components are moved by the angle specified above. The new position of the components is then calculated for each position and displayed on the screen, provided that the movements can be carried out.

Infinite repetitions

This option can be used to set whether the set number of repetitions is carried out or whether the simulation runs as an endless loop. The checkmark activates an endless loop.

Rotation angle (0° > value < 90°)

This is the angle by which the component positioned at the start point is rotated. (+ counter clockwise, - clockwise). The speed of the simulation can also be influenced by setting the angle of rotation. A larger value of the angle of rotation results in a faster running of the simulation.


The way in which the drive lever is to be moved per repetition; in the direction of the fixed guide point or away from it.

Advanced settings

Definition line angle

If no value is entered, the system is rotated normally without taking the definition line into account. The desired final angle of the definition line is entered with a numerical value (0° to 360°).

Create copies

When this option is ticked, each position of the movement is displayed on the screen. With this setting, e.g. envelope curves for covers and housings can be determined.

Colour assignment

With the colour mapping, those colours can be defined that are used to represent the affiliation of the objects to the kinematics definitions (start point, rotation point, fixed point, etc.). The remaining drawing elements will be represented in a uniform colour (black when in the Printer colour mode, otherwise white).
This mode can be activated and deactivated using the COLOUR ASSIGNMENT check box.

Show colours at start-up

By activating this checkmark, the colour depiction will be implemented as soon as the kinematic function is opened. This mode can be temporarily activated and deactivated afterwards from the COLOUR ASSIGNMENT switch.