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The auxiliary-geometry elements (or auxiliary-lines for short) are intended for the design. They are not for permanent auxiliary designs. The auxiliary-lines are always deleted again so that the plan is clearly presented. The auxiliary-lines are not printed by default. If the auxiliary-lines are to be printed out, the PRINT AUXILIARY-LINES option can be activated in OPTIONS > SYSTEM > CONFIGURATION.


For permanent auxiliary-lines, a line with pen colour "0" (blue) can be used. These lines are not printed.
The auxiliary-lines can be hidden in the screen settings.

Straight line through points/to circles

Icon1 Auxiliary-lines toolbar
Draw menu > Auxiliary-geometry > Straight line by two points

This function allows you to create an auxiliary-line through two points. If a circle is selected, this allows you to use an automatically calculated tangent point.


2 points point + circle 2 circles
straight-line-by-2-points1 straight-line-by-2-points2 straight-line-by-2-points3

After this function is activated, the two points must be defined. You see a preview of the auxiliary-line. If you want to run a line tangent to a circle, click on the arc near to the final tangent point.


The function remains active.
You can see which capture mode is active by the appearance of the crosshair. This means you can see whether a tangent will be created or a straight through a point. While element capture is active, a tangent will be generated.

Straight with angle through a point/on a circle

Icon1 Auxiliary-lines toolbar
Draw menu > Auxiliary-geometry > Straight line by angle and point

This function allows you to create an auxiliary-line with a given angle through a point or tangent to a circle.
If several angles are entered, several auxiliary-lines can be created at once.


through point tangential to circle through point with 2 angles
straight-line-by-angle-and-point1 straight-line-by-angle-and-point2 straight-line-by-angle-and-point3


After this function is activated, the property bar appears. Enter the appropriate angle in the field of the property bar or select a previously entered value from the list. Now the crosshair can be set at the point through which the auxiliary-line should run at the specified angle.
aux_line_by_angle_ This option offers the possibility to apply the angle relative to a selected line.


Up to 10 values can be entered for the value in the property bar field separated by commas.
The value entered is always measured from the x-axis. Once the angles are defined, any number of points can be selected.

Tangent/straight through point normal to line

Icon1 Auxiliary-lines toolbar
Draw menu > Auxiliary-geometry > Straight line by point - normal on line

This function allows you to create an auxiliary-line through a point normal to a line or a tangent normal to a line.

After the function is activated, a point or a circle must be defined. Then the line can be selected to which the auxiliary-line should be normal.


The function remains active.
You can see which capture mode is active by the appearance of the crosshair. This means you can see whether a tangent will be created or a line straight through a point. While element capture is active, a tangent will be generated.

Parallel lines

Icon1 Auxiliary-lines toolbar
Draw menu > Auxiliary-geometry > Parallel lines

This function allows you to draw parallel auxiliary-lines with a certain distance between them and to copy them multiple times. Relative or absolute distances can be entered.

Entry mode

This function determines whether the distances are measured absolutely or relatively.

Relative means that the distances are measured sequentially.

Absolute means that the distances are always measured from the start point. entry-mode-absolute

Number of repeats

The number of repeats is only active if the input mode is set to "relative". A maximum of 100 repeats can be entered.

Auxiliary-geometry at single point

Icon1 Auxiliary-lines toolbar
Draw menu > Auxiliary-geometry > Auxiliary-geometry at single point

This function allows you to create the auxiliary-geometry at a point on an element. If several elements border this point, one auxiliary-line is created for each element.
aux-geo-at-single-point1 aux-geo-at-single-point2
When the function is activated, the crosshair is placed next to the required points. Then the auxiliary-geometry elements are drawn as explained above.

Circle with given centre and radius

Icon1 Auxiliary-lines toolbar
Draw menu > Auxiliary-geometry > Circle with given centre and radius

This function allows you to create one or more circles by entering the radii.

When the function is activated, the property bar opens and you can specify the radii and the circle's reference point.


Up to 10 radii can be entered, separated by a comma.

Reference point

The reference point determines the point at which the circle is attached to the crosshair.

Icon1 Icon1
circle-with-centre-radius-ref-point-middle-sample circle-with-centre-radius-ref-point-edge-sample

Circle by centre

Icon1 Auxiliary-lines toolbar
Draw menu > Auxiliary-geometry > Circle by centre

This function allows you to create an auxiliary-circle by stating its centre point and a point on the circle's circumference. The circle can also be added as a tangent to an element (drawing, auxiliary-line, line or arc).

Once the function is activated, the centre point is determined. Then the extent of the circle is determined with a point on the circumference or an element to which the circle should be tangentially arranged.

by point Tangential to element
circle-by-centre-by-point circle-by-centre-by-element

The function remains active.
You can see which capture mode is active by the appearance of the crosshair. This means you can see whether the auxiliary-circle will be created tangential to an element or using a point. If you move over an element with the element capture mode, the auxiliary-circle will be generated tangential to the element.

Circle by 3 points or tangents

Icon1 Auxiliary-lines toolbar
Draw menu > Auxiliary-geometry > Circle by 3 points or tangents

This function allows you to create an auxiliary-circle, which is defined by the input of 3 "locations". These "locations" can be either free points or tangential points.


by 3 points mixed by tangents
circle-by-3-pts1 circle-by-3-pts2 circle-by-3-pts3

Cursor position

The direction changes depending on the position of the cursor in relation to the crosshair.

Cursor above crosshair Cursor below crosshair
circle-by-3-pts-cursor-position1 circle-by-3-pts-cursor-position2

The solution for a circle touching 3 tangents is very complicated and is based on an interactive process. If no solution is found, you are prompted to try again by entering more precise boundary points, i.e. the boundary points should be marked so that they correspond as closely as possible to their actual position on the circumference of the auxiliary-circle you are attempting to create.
You can see which capture mode is active by the appearance of the crosshair. This means you can see whether the auxiliary-circle will be created tangential to an element or using a point. If you move over an element with the element capture mode, the auxiliary-circle will be generated tangential to the element.

Circle by radius

Icon1 Auxiliary-lines toolbar
Draw menu > Auxiliary-geometry > Circle by radius

This function allows you to create an auxiliary-circle with a certain radius by specifying two "locations". These two "locations" can be either free points or tangential points.


by 2 points mixed by tangents
circle-by-radius1 circle-by-radius2 circle-by-radius3

When the function is activated, the property bar opens and you can specify the radii. The points or elements, which must form tangents to the auxiliary-circle, must be selected one by one.

Cursor position

The direction changes depending on the position of the cursor in relation to the crosshair.

Cursor above crosshair Cursor below crosshair
circle-by-3-pts-cursor-position1 circle-by-3-pts-cursor-position2

The function remains active.
You can see which capture mode is active by the appearance of the crosshair. This means you can see whether the auxiliary-circle will be created tangential to an element or using a point. If you move over an element with the element capture mode, the auxiliary-circle will be generated tangential to the element.

Deleting auxiliary-geometry

Deleting a single auxiliary-geometry element

Icon1 Auxiliary-geometry toolbar

This function deletes single auxiliary-lines. Instead of using this function, you can highlight the auxiliary-lines and delete them with the  Del  key. If you hold down the  Shift  key, you can highlight several auxiliary-lines.

Deleting all auxiliary-geometry

Icon1 Auxiliary-geometry toolbar

This function deletes all auxiliary-lines from the plan, including hidden lines.