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Assemblies can be given their own position numbers and attributes. The values are assigned exclusively from the properties window. The desired module is selected in the drawing structure manager. The associated attributes are immediately displayed in the properties window and can be edited directly. (For details see Attributes in the properties window).

Bill of material

In addition to the conventional bill of material, an assembly bill of material can also be generated. The function is opened from the context menu of the drawing structure manager.

Bill of material for assembly

This function creates a bill of material exclusively from the selected entry in the manager.
Only those components and sub-assemblies that are directly below the selected entry in the hierarchy are taken into account. Any further sub-assemblies are treated the same as individual parts.

Assembly bill of material

This function creates a bill of material for sub-assemblies and components with respect to the selected entry in the manager.
A separate bill of material is also created for each assembly that is located directly below the selected entry in the manager hierarchy. Any further sub-assemblies are treated the same as individual parts.


External assemblies
An external assembly is treated as a component in the bill of material. This applies to all types of bills of material. If a bill of material is to be generated from an external assembly, the drawing of the external assembly must be opened.