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3DS is an Autodesk 3D Studio max file. This format saves 3D models including textures. The format provides better quality than a 3D-DXF.


  • There are thousands of library parts on the internet in this format such as furniture, amenities, vehicles, plants.
  • Manufacturers (for example Villeroy & Boch) deliver their parts in this format.
  • Data exchange for render programs

3DS import

Icon1 Interfaces toolbar
File menu > Import > 3DS

The dimensions of the imported design model need to be checked and scaled where necessary. Ideally, the 3DS model is imported into a new drawing, in order to be checked if its quality and orientation are correct before it is positioned in the final drawing.

3DS export

Icon1 Interfaces toolbar
File menu > Export > 3DS

Currently visible 3D data is saved in 3DS format. The saved 3DS file should always be checked by reading it back.