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Lumion is a program for visualisation and rendering of 3D-models. The SketchUp format is used for data exchange. SketchUp is a trademark of Trimble Navigation Limited.

Lumion export

Icon1 Interfaces/Lumion toolbar
File menu > Export > Lumion

Currently visible 3D data is saved in SketchUp format. There is always the most recent SketchUp version used.


It is possible to transfer 3D-models to older Lumion versions. Save the data directly via the function SKETCHUP EXPORT and select an older SketchUp version as file type.

Lumion synchronisation with message

Improved · 16 R1 · Improvements

Icon1 Lumion toolbar

The last saved file is updated. A message is then issued.

Lumion synchronisation without message

Improved · 16 R1 · Improvements

Icon1 Lumion toolbar

The last saved file is updated. There is no message afterwards.

Lumion synchronisation end

Improved · 16 R1 · Improvements

Icon1 Lumion toolbar

The name of the last saved file is deleted. The synchronization is terminated. The file name must be re-specified when synchronising is called up again.