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Create Flange

Icon1 Piping toolbar

With the help of this function, flanges can be created and positioned within the pipe system.

Flange property bar

By selecting the function, the property bar is displayed where the most important parameters can be set. The fine adjustment is made in the gasket parameter dialog.

Function Description
piping_flange_params_ Flange parameters
flange-type Flange record
flange-standard Flange standard
pipe-type Kind of flange
pipe-series Series of flange
piping_pressure_ Nominal pressure
piping_dn_ Nominal diameter
bs_line_da_ Outside diameter
flange-depiction-settings-3d Pen/line type, 3D colour/material

Flange parameters

Additional parameters can be set here and saved as a separate record.

Flange type selection

The type of flange can be selected with this selection menu. The following types are available:
bs_flange_type_weld_neck_48_ Welding neck flange
bs_flange_type_flat_48_ Flat flange
bs_flange_type_blind_48_ Blind flange

Parameter name

Name of the parameter record

In order to create your own parameter record, the parameter dialog window is filled out as required, then a new name is entered in the text field and saved with SAVE RECORD.

DELETE RECORD is used to delete a record that is no longer required.


A material for the flange can be specified here. For example, the weight is calculated using the material.


The classification for the flange can be defined here. The entered value is used as the name for the class.

Function Description
silhouette-line-type Pen/line type for the silhouette
centre-line-line-type Pen/line type for centre line
color_ 3D colour
screwing_ Screwing parameter
flange-standard Flange standard
pipe-type Kind of flange
pipe-series Series of flange
piping_pressure_ Nominal pressure
piping_dn_ Nominal diameter
bs_line_da_ Outside diameter of the pipe

Dimensions of blind/smooth flanges

The following dimensions are shown for blind/flat flanges:
bs_blind_flange_d_ / bs_flat_flange_d_ Flange outside diameter
bs_blind_flange_b_ / bs_flat_flange_b_ Flange blade thickness
bs_blind_flange_k_ / bs_flat_flange_k_ Hole circle diameter
bs_blind_flange_d4_ / bs_flat_flange_d4_ Raised sealing face diameter
bs_blind_flange_f_ / bs_flat_flange_f_ Raised sealing face thickness
bs_flange_n_ Number of holes
bs_blind_flange_d2_ / bs_flat_flange_d2_ Hole diameter

Dimensions of the types welding neck flange

The following dimensions are also displayed for the welding neck flange type:
bs_weld_neck_flange_d1_ Pipe hub diameter
bs_weld_neck_flange_s_ Pipe hub wall thickness
bs_weld_neck_flange_h2_ Pipe hub height
The remaining dimensions are the same as for the other flange types.