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ELITECAD PARTS is the implementation of the strategic component management of CADENAS PARTsolutions in ELITECAD. Using the CADENAS seamless interface, more than 700 manufacturer catalogues and their corresponding components are available for configuration and importation into ELITECAD.
ELITECAD PARTS automatically provides the appropriate construction parts for the installed software ELITECAD Architecture and Mechanics. When ELITECAD PARTS is launched for the first time, user data must be entered.



Icon1 Toolbar 3D Platforms
Menu insert > 3D Platforms > ELITECAD PARTS

ELITECAD PARTS property bar

The property bar is visible as soon as an existing construction part is edited with ELTIECAD PARTS. One click on the object enables the property bar, and the interface can be used. Clicking the symbol logo_parts4cad_ opens a window where the properties of the object can be edited.

Function Description
logo_parts4cad_ ELITECAD PARTS Catalogue
logo_parts4cad_ ELITECAD PARTS Search function
logo_parts4cad_ ELITECAD PARTS View
logo_parts4cad_ ELITECAD PARTS Insert component
logo_parts4cad_ ELITECAD PARTS Modify component


The direct catalogue selection of ELITCAD PARTS provides clear and structured access to more than 700 catalogues, similar to the access of files in windows. First, a folder, which leads to the according construction parts, has to be selected. A selection is made by clicking on the arrow symbol or by double clicking the text. The component can be loaded with a double click as well. The types of the components are displayed using different symbols. A graphical depiction is shown between the folder and the component symbol.

Folder structure

icon-subfolders-closed Folder with closed sub folders
icon-subfolders-open Folder with opened sub folders

Component view

icon-single-component Component consisting of a single component
icon-multiple-components Component consisting of multiple components

Additional information

icon-additional-docs Additional document (e.g. a PDF or a link to a website)
icon-search-filter Search filter, not supported in ELITECAD PARTS (Seamless Interface)

Enter user data


When the interface is used for the first time, a registration is required. Please fill in the form and read the user agreement. After confirming the data, press ok and verify your mail address.  

ELITECAD PARTS search function

The search function of ELITECAD PARTS provides different ways of searching in order to specifically look for concrete components.

Activate full text search

Text input for search

Activate search for synonyms, only for full text search

order-number-search-checkmark Search by order number or model description

Text input for search

Search function settings

  • search-in-dropdown

    • Filter which catalogues should be searched
    • search-in-dropdown-open
  • part-family-dropdown

    • Setting, if single components or part families should be searched
    • part-family-dropdown-open

Add search function

  • add-search-functions-text

    • The search function can be extended by variables and value ranges (e.g. 2 >=D <10).
    • add-search-functions-text-menu
  • add-search-functions-tree

    • The search function can be extended by using classifications. The existing classifications can be selected as well as the desired value ranges.
    • add-search-functions-tree-menu

Start search function

When all desired settings have been made, the start search button can be used to collect and display the results.


The view function of ELITECAD PARTS provides several different ways to depict the component. In addition to the 3D-model view, it also displays technical information or 2D views of the component. The kind of depiction and display is configured automatically by the underlying program (ELITECAD Architecture, Mechanics or Mechanics 2D).


Selection of parameters

This field displays a variable (D), and its description (Piston diameter) and the used unit (mm).

The value selection can be done by clicking the corresponding button.

The value selection can also be done using a drop-down menu.

Value selection can be done using a slider or by directly inputting the values.

Additional link to PDFs or websites

In some cases, fixed values are displayed as well.

icon-pin Using this pin, a certain value can be locked.

icon-value-locked If a value has been locked with a pin, the dependent values that cannot be changed are marked with a check symbol.

icon-multi-select This symbol marks a possible multi-selection.

icon-info Here additional information like minimum or maximum values of sliders are displayed.

Settings for recalculation

With this button, the traffic light depiction is green if the 3D model changes after every parameter change. If the light is red, it means the recalculation is suppressed until the button is pressed again. This allows for changing multiple parameters before recalculation.

Component description

This field displays a detailed description provided by the manufacturer.

Options for 3D depiction

icon-model-with-edges Depiction of the 3D model with edges
icon-model-shading Depiction of the 3D model as shading model
icon-model-shading-edges Depiction of the 3D model as shading model & with edges
icon-centre-and-scale This function centres the 3D model to the screen and adapts the size.
icon-magnify The magnifying glass function depicts a magnifying glass which can be used to magnify parts of the 3D model.
icon-rotate-y Using the animation, the 3D model is continuously rotated around its Y axis.
icon-text This function enables texts and classes (if available).
icon-measure-grid The measurement grid shows the measurements of the 3D model as projected rectangles on all surfaces.
icon-show-dim Shows all additional dimensions of the model, the views and dimensions are additionally highlighted.
icon-cross-section The section function allows the user to look into the model, the selection of the axis and direction can be configured. The cursor can be used to interactively clip the model.
icon-perspective-isometric-switch Setting if the depiction should be perspective or isometric

Predefined buttons for views: front, back, left, right, top, bottom, isometric view.

ELITECAD PARTS insert component

As soon as the user has configured the component, the selected component can be loaded into ELITECAD. Use the “Transfer to CAD” button at the bottom of the window.


The component is now attached to the cursor in ELITECAD. In order to manipulate the position and orientation, the manipulation functions can be used similar to other insert functions in ELITECAD (Position…, Load…, Library… etc.).
Using those manipulation functions, the component can be ideally positioned into the model.

ELITECAD PARTS change component

If a component that has been imported with ELITECAD PARTS should be changed, simply double-click the component or open the configuration using the logo_parts4cad_ symbol in the property bar. The necessary parameters can be changed in the configuration dialog of ELITECAD PARTS. The modified component can then be loaded into ELITECAD again.