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Camera Dialog

Icon1 *Modify toolbar
View menu > Camera

camera-menu    camera-selection
The camera parameter window manages a list of named camera positions. By selecting one entry in the list, a previously saved camera is activated again. The active camera is always visible. Stand point, view point and opening angle can only be edited in 4-view mode.

Manage cameras

Save camera

The save function saves the active camera as a new entry in the list of cameras. By clicking on the name, the camera can be renamed.


Camera positions can also be created with the SNAPSHOT function. This is very practical in the walking mode.

Delete camera

The camera selected in the list is deleted.

Camera export and import

file_open_ export_
All camera positions are saved into a file or loaded from that file.

Perspective / parallel projection

camera_perspective_ camera_parallel_
If you click on this symbol, you can switch between perspective and parallel projection.

Camera parameter

Camera position

Here, the coordinates for the "Stand point" and "View point" are entered. The values are either defined using interactive configuration, or by entering them in the entry fields manually.

The opening angle can be modified using this slider. The value is defined using interactive configuration, or by entering it in the entry field manually.

Extend / shorten view point

plus_ minus_
These two functions move either the view point closer to or farther away from the stand point. The offset is 10% of the distance between the distance between the stand point and the view point.

Modify camera

4-view window

The camera is set up in the 4-view window. After terminating the 4-view mode the modification can be accepted or discarded.

If the camera dialog window is open, only the camera symbol can be clicked. Objects cannot be selected or manipulated.

The depiction of the design model view can be controlled separately. If you right-click in this area, a menu opens where you can select how the design model view should be displayed. This is also true for the other views, as they are interconnected.


The depiction of the standard view should be in the wire model, if possible, as this speeds up image assembly.

Using camera in the 4-view window

There are various handles available, which you can use to manipulate the camera interactively while holding down the left mouse button.

Modify position of camera Move camera
camera-modify-position camera-move
Modify direction of camera Modify opening angle of camera
camera-modify-direction camera-modify-angle-opening

Save camera

Icon1 Camera toolbar
Menu View > Camera > Save camera

With showing the camera save dialog, a snapshot is saved with preconfigured quality settings and is added to the list of cameras. That allows returning to interesting positions later.

Load next camera

Icon1 Camera toolbar or Navigation
Menu View > Camera > Load next camera

This function switches to the next camera in the camera list.

Load previous camera

Icon1 Camera toolbar or Navigation
Menu View > Camera > Load previous camera

This function switches to the previous camera in the camera list.

Camera to standard view

Icon1 Icon1 Icon1 Icon1 Icon1 Icon1 Icon1 Navigator toolbar

This function sets the viewing direction to the according standard view.

Load next standard view

Icon1 Navigator toolbar

This function switches to the viewing direction of the next standard view.

Load previous standard view

Icon1 Navigator toolbar

This function switches to the viewing direction of the previous standard view.