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Extended settings

Only visible if active:

General – Name for "New file"

Name recommended for an unsaved ELITECAD file right after clicking the NEW FILE function or starting ELITECAD. This name is displayed in the title bar of ELITECAD. Using the SAVE AS function, you can change this name.

General – Master drawing

File that is automatically loaded after every NEW FILE command. All file extensions permitted in ELITECAD are also allowed here.

General – Query for reference point, description and keywords

If this option is set, the system also prompts the user for a reference point, a description and keywords when using "Save as". Each of these must be confirmed by pressing  Enter .

General – Query in case of different structure settings

This option is only available in ELITECAD Architecture. If a drawing is loaded with different structure settings, a query appears how to deal with the differences.


The project options are only available in ELITECAD Architecture.

Project – Project group

To make projects more manageable, you can introduce project groups. These project groups can be organised by client, department or year. This can be activated in Setup under Settings or from this check box.
When this is enabled, the system creates an additional subdirectory under the drawing directory with the name of the group, and then creates a folder with the project name under that subdirectory. When using multiple workstations, they should all be configured with the same option for this setting.

Project – Add drawing comment to project selection

This setting is switched on by default.
In this state, when you load an architecture ELITECAD file that was saved with Release 12 or above, the project data is generated in the project directory. The save path is also set to the project directory.

Project – Keywords

Adopt project name as a suggestion for entering keywords when saving a drawing.

Project – Team mode

If this option is selected, when someone tries to load/activate a storey, the system prompts whether it should be loaded "for editing" or only as a "reference". For more detail, see chapter Architecture objects > Team mode.



Drawing – Path for projects

You can manage this setting in the ELITECAD configuration (WINDOWS START menu). The active state is displayed here.

Drawing – Include views in save

This parameter is only active for the SAVE AS function and makes it possible to save parts of drawings (e.g. Lib parts) without also saving all views. This reduces file size for individual parts. For the SAVE function, all views are always saved as well.
If this parameter is selected, the SAVE AS function must be confirmed with a confirmation prompt.

Drawing - Include radiosity in save

This option controls whether or not the radiosity results are saved along with the drawing. This data is not part of the drawing itself, but is saved as external references and loaded as needed.

Drawing – Prioritize material properties from the database

Improved · 16 R1 · Improvements

If a user-generated material with the same name but different settings (e.g. the material is contained in a model, but the database material has been changed in the meantime) is contained within a model, this switch determines whether the settings from the databank or the model will be adopted. If the model material settings are adopted, a new material with a similar name is generated. This avoids losing any information.

Drawing – Save background image as external reference

This setting controls whether or not the rendered background images are saved in the views as external references. These images are then loaded as needed.

Drawing – Save textures as well

The textures are saved in a database and must not necessarily be saved along with the drawing. Then the drawing only contains the settings for the texture images, but not the data itself.
If a plan is forwarded to someone without access to the same database, such as a partner's office, it is recommended to save the textures along with the drawing.

Work copies – Path for WOCOs

You can manage this setting in the ELITECAD configuration (WINDOWS START menu). The active state is displayed here.

Work copies – No. of work copies (WOCOs)

Lists how many manual and automatic work copies have been created. These are numbered sequentially with numbers starting with 0 up to the specified value. The lower the number, the earlier the work copy. If the number of work copies exceeds the specified value when clicking "Save work copy", the oldest one is removed. If the number is too large (above 10), this slows down the saving process.

With project name

This option is only available in ELITECAD Architecture. The work copies are stored for each project when this function is selected. The name of the work copy is prefixed with the project name.


This option can lead to too many work copies amassing and taking up a large amount of memory. Periodically, work copies that are no longer needed should be deleted manually.

Work copies – Selection

The automatic work copies are saved in the same directory as the manual work copies but have names with "".

Work copies – No. of functions used

When setting SAVE AFTER X ACTIONS or REMIND AFTER X ACTIONS, you can specify the number for "x".


If you set "No. of functions used" to 50 that means that an auto-save or reminder will occur after 50 main functions.

File exchange


DXF parameters

This field takes you to the DXF import.