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Terrain model:

The terrain model is always an object in ELITECAD that contains all of the 3D data, modifications, parameters, etc.

Height lines:

Height lines are used to display height information in a planar depiction. Points of equal height are connected at regular height intervals with a curve.

Height points:

These are measuring points on the surface.


Removed material


Dug up material

Reference terrain:

A terrain's frozen state.


A terrain model is created in two basic steps.

1. The shape of the original terrain is defined by:

The data is either manually created or loaded in different formats and describes the shape of the parcel of land before each modification. This state can be saved as a "reference terrain".

You can then edit the terrain. There are two different ways of making changes:

2.a The original terrain surface is manipulated by:

  • modifying the height lines
  • modifying the height points
  • inserting terrain edges/areas

The result of this step is a new terrain surface showing how the parcel of land should ultimately look.

2.b Architectural measures:

The architectural steps are saved as "modifying objects" which are integrated into the terrain surface.

If you make changes to the definition data (points, height curves), the architectural modifications will be added to the refreshed terrain.
The finished terrain ultimately has a positive or negative volume difference to the reference terrain. A positive difference means that material needs to be added; a negative one means that material needs to be removed.

A plan view can then be created from a fully defined terrain. This plan view is constantly updated when making modifications and contains information relevant for an excavation plan.
In a section view, the visibility of the reference terrain can be activated in the view parameters.

3. Completion of the excavation plan:

  • Specify height marker
  • Generate view
  • Activate hatch and height sections


  • The terrain must neither overhang nor contain any holes.
  • Excavation contours, landfill/dispersals and the perimeter contour must not contain any holes.
  • Height curves should not intersect each other. This is not prohibited but the differing heights produce a situation which does not naturally occur.
  • The external borders (perimeter contour) must lie within the points and curves. The contour is checked when regenerated. If the perimeter contour is later modified so that the perimeter contour lies in an undefined range, the result is undefined.