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Modify Roof

Modification functions

When a roof is being edited, modification functions are available at the end of the property bar.

Modify roof contour

You can modify the contour of an existing roof or add openings to it.
After the function is launched, the roof is reduced to the 2D contour.
You can use the 2D drawing functions to edit the contour. Make sure that the new contour produces a closed polygon again (for each roof surface). To complete the function, you must click the ROOF CONTOUR READY button. This appears in the top left of the work area.


If you click a handle or gripper after selecting the slab, manipulation functions are available in the Input Assistant.

Modify definition point

Press this function to redefine the position of the existing definition points. You will be prompted to re-enter all the points that were necessary for configuration.


To leave a point unchanged, you can skip it by entering "0" and pressing  Enter .

Switch between main contour/layer contour

This selection box gives access to the individual layers so that you can modify them independently of the main contour's geometry. The selection box provides a list of the layers. You can select any layer and change it manually.
This works just as it does for a slab.

Extended roof functions

You can call up the extended roof functions in the roof's property bar. These functions have their own toolbar. They can be deleted again at any time. You also can call up the functions from the MODIFY menu > ROOF.

Create half-hip roof

You can create a half-hip roof at the gable of a roof. This gable can be defined using a gabled roof or a hip roof with a gable created via a variable incline (plane with 90°).

Under "New", you are prompted for the "Position of hip" (the ridge point of the gable) and the "roof pitch". Next, you must specify the height of the eaves for the half-hip roof. The program calculates the existing ridge height and suggests it.
Using "Modify", you can select an existing half-hip roof to edit it. Using "Delete", you can click a half-hip roof to delete it.

Height section line

The height section line is described in detail in the next chapter.

Trimming roof surfaces

This function is used for trimming roof surfaces. There are 2 options available for selection.
Direct: The roof is trimmed; modifications are not adapted.
Linkage: Modified angles and heights for both roofs are refreshed.

Generally, the higher part of a roof surface always trims the lower part. For the sectioning, always select the roof surface that should receive the cut-out first. For the second roof surface, you can enter parallel distances that reduce the cut-out on the main roof.


Overhanging roof shapes are not suitable for trimming. overhanging-roof-shape

Section lines of roof surface

You can use this function to generate the sectioning line of the lower roof edge of two roof surfaces. This function aids in creating the alignment of various suitable roof surfaces. These can be corrected for these lines with the MODIFY ROOF CONTOUR modification function.
The section line is generated with current pen/line type and its 3D view is also visible.

Height in point

Measures the roof's upper and lower edges at a given point in the roof range in relation to the storey level (raw slab). The values are shown in the info window.

Create attic floor

In order to create an attic floor, a flat roof has to be created first. Next, the flat roof has to be changed to an attic floor. Afterward the attic floor can be intersected with other roof surfaces.

Settings for the flat roof

The flat roof type has to be changed to the type attic floor.

Detail parameters attic floor

In the detail parameters, the layer group for intersection with other roof surfaces is defined.

Create Height section line

The HEIGHT SECTION LINE function generates a 2D line, which represents the intersection of a roof with a horizontal plane at a given height.

Height section line property bar

The property bar is visible as soon as the HEIGHT SECTION LINE function is started or if an existing height section line is edited.
You can manipulate the main values in the height section line's property bar.

Function Description
roof_height_line_ There is no parameter window
type-standard Type
state_unknown_ Renovation planning state
export_ remove_ Save / delete record
text_ Label on / off
font-selection Label font
dim_polier_on_ M, cm/mm dimensioning
pen_ linetype_ Properties of height section line (depiction)
roof_thickness_dir_down_ Roof side
height-field Height
height-reference Height reference
text_ Label height reference
roof_intersection_all_ Single roof surface / whole roof
roof_height_line_automatic_ Automatically / manually

General parameters

  • state_unknown_ Renovation planning status
  • Type
  • export_ remove_ Save / delete record

The general parameters for architectural objects are described in chapter Architecture objects.


text_ text_
Labelling can be activated and deactivated.


Here the font for the label can be selected.

M,cm/mm dimensioning

Toggles the type of dimensioning

Properties for 2D depiction

2D depiction of the height line

Roof side

roof_thickness_dir_down_ roof_thickness_dir_up_
Indicates the roof side, which will be used for the intersection.


This value determines the height for the intersection.

Height reference

The height reference is either FFL or BSTS.

Single roof surface/whole roof

The height section line is generated either for a single roof surface or for the whole roof at once.


If automatic mode is active a number of fields are deactivated and the setting are automatically chosen.

Roof Opening

Details in Roof Opening chapter.