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Welcome to ELITECAD

A welcome dialog is displayed when launching ELITECAD.

This dialog window assists when staring a new project or it is used to continue the work in the previously edited project. Working with projects is only available in ELITECAD Architecture.

New project

This dialog window assists when staring a new project or it is used to continue the work in the previously edited project. Working with projects is only available in ELITECAD Architecture.
Alternatively, a project can be created from a project template. The templates are not modified during this process. The path for project templates is defined in the ELITECAD configuration.


Existing project

An existing project can be selected in the menu. The recently loaded files are available in the similarly labelled tab.

Additionally, further important information is accessible from this window:

  • Recently loaded files
  • Course units
  • Manual (Help)
  • Hotline numbers
  • Available updates

The dialog can be opened at any time under menu HELP > WELCOME TO ELITECAD. By default, the dialog opens automatically at start-up but this can be changed by removing the corresponding check mark in OPTIONS.

User interface


The appearance of the interface may vary, depending on the installation (Architecture, Mechanics, Viewer) and screen resolution.

User interface design

Various user interface designs are available. The design can be selected under OPTIONS.

Coloured, dialog windows off coloured, dialog windows on
interface-design-coloured-off interface-design-coloured-on
Dark grey, dialog windows off dark grey, dialog windows on
interface-design-dark-grey-off interface-design-dark-grey-on
White, dialog windows off White, dialog windows on
interface-design-white-off interface-design-white-on
Black, dialog windows off Black, dialog windows on
interface-design-black-off interface-design-black-on
Technical - light, dialog windows off Technical - light, dialog windows on
interface-design-tech-light-off interface-design-tech-light-on
Technical - blue, dialog windows off Technical - blue, dialog windows on
interface-design-tech-blue-off interface-design-tech-blue-on
Technical - dark, dialog windows off Technical - dark, dialog windows on
interface-design-tech-dark-off interface-design-tech-dark-on

Title bar

titleline The title line of the program shows name of the currently loaded file. In ELITECAD Architecture it additionally shows which project is loaded and in which structure and storey you are currently located.

This symbol opens the dialog window „Welcome to ELITECAD”. If this window contains any important news (e.g. updates) this will be indicated with a number.

This symbol opens the information window. If this window contains any information this will be indicated with a number.

Function assistant


Functions can be searched for and also started in this text field. All functions that contain the entered character string are offered for selection.

ELITECAD - Menu bar

The menu bar with LAY-OUT menu opened.


Toolbars offer rapid access to the most important commands. Many of the symbols or icons can also be found with the same action in the relevant menu entries.

Tools manager

Multiple toolbars are combined in the tools manager. These can be opened and closed as required, enabling you to fit many functions into a small space. The order in which the bars appear can be adapted and you can create and add your own customised bars.

Property bar

The property bar always displays the properties of the active part or properties for a manipulation to be performed. There are property bars for manipulations, elements, hatches, dimensioning, text, 3D-objects and construction parts. The example shows the property bar for a wall.

Input assistant

The Input Assistant consists of additional functions that vary according to the function selected. The functions of the Input Assistant can be displayed on the cursor using the  Tab  key.
Not every function has these extended functions. In principle, these are the create functions and the manipulations on the handle.


The polygon drawing function with the additional functions for arches:


Manipulation on the handle of a polygon: