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BIM Tools toolbar | File menu > BIM Tools > PlanRadar Plugin… |
Connect PlanRadar¶
To use the PlanRadar plugin in ELITECAD, it is necessary to enter the API key. This is NOT your PlanRadar username and password but must be created separately.
Follow the instructions from PlanRadar for this:
Once the key has been created, you can enter it into the options menu.
Upload Data¶
If you have already created the corresponding project in PlanRadar, you can upload views or models directly via the context menu.
For full instructions on using PlanRadar, please visit their website directly:
To create a new project, click on . ELITECAD automatically creates a project using all data already entered.
In order to see a list of available projects on PlanRadar, just open the Plugin.
If the needed project appears in the list, you can select it and begin the upload.
(If necessary, you can refresh the project list by using .)
For a better overview, ELITECAD enables the uploading of views within the layers of a project. For this, you must select one of the layers created within PlanRadar. Now, when you upload a view, it will immediately be integrated into the appropriate layer.
All layers on the list can be expanded or collapsed at once using this function.