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VR on/off

Icon1 Image properties

After activating the function, the output of the current camera image is enabled in the VR glasses. At the same time the image is displayed in the graphics window according to the setting in the dialog Input devices > VR.
To be able to use the VR glasses, the drivers have to be installed appropriately.

Clipping on/off

Icon1 View toolbar
Image properties
Ctrl + I

This function is used to trim the 3D-image area temporarily. This gives you a better overview during 3D-editing.
Once clipping has been selected, the clipping property bar is displayed.

Clipping on/off

This switch turns Clipping on and off.

Select data record

New · 17 R1 · Improvements

A certain clipping configuration can be recalled, saved or deleted from this field.

Relative to current coordinate system

New · 17 R1 · Improvements

When this switch is activated, the clipping is aligned with the work plane. If a rotated coordinate system is active, then the clipping is also relative to it. When the switch is deactivated, then the clipping box lies absolutely in the starting position, regardless of the current work plane or the current coordinate system.

Only point clouds

New · 17 R1 · Improvements


If there is a point cloud present, this will only clip the point cloud leaving all drawn items whole when activated.

only-point-cloud-off only-point-cloud-on

Section surface

  • clipping_plane_color_ Section surface mono coloured
  • clipping_plane_closed_ Section surface on
  • clipping_plane_open_ Section surface off

This setting defines if the section surface should be displayed or not. Either the depiction is done with the colour of the object or mono coloured. The section surface is only displayed if just one clipping plane is active.

Clipping options

New · 17 R1 · Improvements

Icon Name Description
tree_visible_on_ Visible objects Activates six planes around visible objects
display_mode_solid_ Six planes All six planes activated at once like a die
selection_area_ Define cut-out Select with Selection by rectangle function
clipping_plane_front_ One plane in the Z direction One plane at the top, in the Z-direction
clipping_plane_left_ One plane in the X direction One plane to the left, in the X-direction
clipping_plane_top_ One plane in the Y direction One plane back, in the Y-direction
clipping_plane_front_ Two planes in the Z direction Two planes top and bottom
clipping_plane_left_ Two planes in the X direction Two planes left and right
clipping_plane_top_ Two planes in the Y direction Two planes front and back

Clipping planes

The planes can also be individually activated/deactivated and set to a specific value relative to the origin. Only positive values are used here, even for the negative distances.

Clipping plane view

New · 17 R1 · Improvements

Select the depiction of the clipping planes.

display_mode_solid_ clipping_plane_polychrome_ display_mode_wireframe_
clipping-grey-planes clipping-colour-planes clipping-no-planes

Change clipping

Changing the values in the property bar or in the parameter dialog window moves the clipping plane. Alternatively, the clipping plane is moved in parallel direction using the handles.
The orientation of the clipping plane is modified by changing the work plane.


Clipping applies to the current image and work plane.
Set the following switches in the property bar:
Now you can move the clipping plane through the model using the handles.

Architecture Mechanics
changing-clipping-plane-architecture-sample changing-clipping-plane-mechanics-sample

Grid on/off

Icon1 Switches toolbar
Image properties

This check box controls the depiction of a grid on the screen.
Depending on whether the check box is selected, the grid is either displayed or hidden.
You can define the grid settings under the SETTINGS menu > OPTIONS > DEPICTION > TOOLS.

Texts on/off

Icon1 Switches toolbar
Image properties

This check box controls the depiction of texts on the screen.
Depending on whether the check box is selected, the texts are either displayed or hidden.

Arrows on/off

Icon1 Switches toolbar
Image properties

This check box controls the depiction of arrows on the screen.
Depending on whether the check box is selected, the arrows are either displayed or hidden.

Dimensions on/off

Icon1 Switches toolbar
Image properties

This check box controls the depiction of dimensions on the screen.
Depending on whether the check box is selected, the dimensions are either displayed or hidden.

Hatches on/off

Icon1 Switches toolbar
Image properties

This check box controls the depiction of hatches on the screen.
Depending on whether the check box is selected, the hatches are either displayed or hidden.

Perspective on/off

Icon1 Switches toolbar
View menu > Switches > Perspective
Ctrl + Shift + P

This check box controls the depiction of perspective. When you switch on perspective, differences in rendered size aim to create an illusion of depth.

Line types (single) on/off

Icon1 Switches toolbar
View menu > Line types...

Your entry defines whether specific line types are taken into account for the output (screen, printer) or for manipulation operations (such as "Delete block/section").
If the check box is selected, specific line types can be selected by entering their line type numbers. All other line types are hidden but are not lost. By entering "-1" as the line type number, you can reactivate all line types.
If you prefix the line type number with a "^", it excludes the designated line type, e.g. "^2" means all line types should be displayed except for line type 2.

Pens (single) on/off

Icon1 Switches toolbar
View menu > Pens...

Your entry defines whether specific pens are taken into account for the output (screen, printer) or for manipulation operations (such as "Delete block/section").
If the check box is selected, specific pens can be selected by entering their pen numbers. All other pens are hidden but are not lost. By entering "-1" as the pen number, you can reactivate all pens.
If you prefix the pen number with a "^", it excludes the designated pen, e.g. "^2" means all pens should be displayed except for pen 2.

Light on/off

Icon1 Switches toolbar
View menu > Switches > Light...
Ctrl + L

This check box controls how light sources are taken into account for the colour depiction in the solid model. Key combination  Ctrl + L .