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Extended settings

Only visible if active:

Parameter – Directory for user settings

All parameters that you set yourself are saved in the user settings. You can save your own parameter records in almost every dialog window of ELITECAD. All personal parameter records are stored in the "elitecfg" subfolder of this storage directory. You can define the directory under ELITECAD configuration (WINDOWS START menu). You can find extended details in the instruction for the ELITECAD configuration.
In ELITECAD, the value settings are saved in a country-specific subfolder. The subfolder name in ELITECAD Architecture is <language>_<region>. In ELITECAD Mechanics only <language> is used for the name.
Examples for ELITECAD Architecture:
German-Austria: de_at
German-German: de_de
German-Switzerland: de_ch
English-UK: en_uk
French-Switzerland: fr_ch
Examples for ELITECAD Mechanics:
German: de
English: en


Periodically include your user parameters in a data backup.

Parameter – Save mode

This is where you specify whether parameters should be saved per user or globally. The User and Global save modes apply to architectural, mechanical and basic parameters. The default user can only save User parameters. In order to save Global parameters, the parameter management must be set up. You can find extended details in the instruction for of the ELITECAD configuration.

Parameter – Read mode

The read mode specifies, which parameters should be displayed and which ones take priority in the event of redundant designations. With the only global or only user read mode, you can check which option has been assigned to which parameters.

Parameter – Show parameter read mode

(Extended setting)
In Read mode a "U" (for user) or a "G" (for global) is prefixed before the parameter names in type selection menus.
This option should only be used temporarily, as it slows down parameter access.

The memory limit can be set from 128 MB up to 1 GB. This is the maximum size of the file that is generated and sent to the printer when printing a plan. How high this value can be set depends on the hardware.
Larger files are produced when high-resolution bitmap images are integrated into the plans.
If the output file is larger than the memory limit, ELITECAD will halve the plan's resolution. A notification appears in the info window when this occurs.

Define here whether help lines will appear when printing.

The printer is not sent the individual objects (lines, hatches, text), but rather a completely rendered image. This is necessary in case the output device cannot handle transparency or colour gradients. You must also activate the option for a plan containing bitmap images if an image fails to appear.

Use native PDF output (save PDF file)

When saving a PDF file, either the native output or the output from a PDF printer is used. The native output is preferable, the option Print in highest quality is then obsolete.



Extended settings

Only visible if active:

Hardware – Use a touch pad or another 2-button mouse

Bypassing mouse drivers on laptops. Can be used if a three-button mouse is not correctly recognised by a laptop.

Hardware – Invert mouse wheel-zoom

This option reverses the scroll wheel's zoom function.
Standard: Scroll wheel backwards, image is reduced

Hardware – Move using middle mouse button (scroll wheel)

This option changes the function of the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) from the ROTATE CAMERA function to MOVE IMAGE. If the option is set and you move the mouse while holding down the middle mouse button (scroll wheel), this moves the image.
If you press the  Ctrl  key at the same time, the design model will rotate.

Hardware – Use horizontal mouse wheel for rotations

Using the scroll wheel, you can move the camera in the design model. This is only possible with mice with scroll wheels that can be tilted left/right.

Codeword check

Displays whether the codeword check utilises a dongle or a network card. You can manage this setting in the ELITECAD configuration (WINDOWS START menu).

General – Language

Display of language settings.
You can manage this setting in the ELITECAD configuration (WINDOWS START menu).

General – Path for temporary files

Displays path of temporary files.
You can manage this setting in the ELITECAD configuration (WINDOWS START menu).

General – Internet update

After a configurable length of time, the program searches for new online updates to the CAD. The online update can be switched off by setting the interval to ~ month.

User interface


User interface general – View layout


Single view

The active view is shown.

Multiple views

Multiple views can be opened. The maximum number of open views can be specified.

Views in the tab format

Multiple views can be opened. The views you open are presented in tab format. The maximum number of open views can be specified. The tabs can be colour-coded by view type.
If a new view is selected in the views manager, it is opened in a new window or new tab.

User interface general – Colour by view type

Tabs can be colourised. E.g., all sections in the same colour.

User interface general – Colour scheme

Various user interface designs are available for selection.

User interface general – Colour scheme also in dialog window

Apply the colour scheme also in dialog windows.

User interface general – Scrollbar

To facilitate navigating the user interface, horizontal and vertical scrollbars can be added.

User interface general – Notifications

In addition to showing notifications in the info window, the messages can also be displayed as info balloons in the Windows taskbar.

User interface general – Welcome screen at start-up

The welcome screen shows notifications about updates during the start of ELITECAD and offers quick access to recently loaded drawing. Showing the welcome screen during the start-up can be disabled.



Extended Tooltips (quick info)

If you hover your cursor over a function, a description of it appears. If you continue hovering, the extended description is shown.

You can configure the number of seconds of hovering before the extended description appears.
You can specify the display size in pixels in the minimum width field. If you set the minimum width to "0", the width is determined automatically.

Information line

The duration of the display can be set in seconds.


The Help Center is available online by default. The installed manual can be used as an option. This is only recommended if no internet connection is available. The Help Center is constantly being expanded.



Language and region

Display of the language for the user interface and the ELITECAD region for parameter management. You can manage these settings in the ELITECAD configuration (WINDOWS START menu).
The System Region is defined in the Windows settings.

Decimal symbol and symbol for separating values

The ELITECAD standard setting for the decimal symbol is the point and for separating values the comma. Optionally the Windows regions settings could be applied. These settings are valid for all entries of coordinate values.


Macros always use ELITECAD standard settings.

Unicode support

This is necessary for opening files with Unicode characters (e.g. Chinese) in their name or in the file path. Unicode file names are supported except for a few exceptions with some interfaces.