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Create a snapshot

Icon1 Camera toolbar
Menu View > Camera > Create a snapshot

Using the SNAPSHOT function, you can create high-resolution images of the current camera position.



Type of image

videoexp_snapshot_64_ 2D image
skymap_cubemap_64_ Cubemap
projection_cylindrical_64_ Panorama
projection_spherical_64_ 360° image


Using this menu, you can choose the desired camera position from the list of saved camera points.

View parameter

For image generation, use either the current settings or the settings of the walking mode.

File format

Here you can choose the file format.


Here the resolution can be set in pixels. If you choose user defined, the resolution can be freely entered.

Viewing direction

Three different viewing directions are available.

  • Current viewing direction
  • Up
  • North

View picture

At the end of the image generation, the image can be displayed if desired.

Highest image quality

The settings for Level of Detail (LOD) are described in Settings > input devices, and reduce the graphical effects. For image generation, the Level of Detail can be deactivated. This leads to a better image quality, but also takes more time.

Background transparent

The image is cropped automatically. This option is only possible with image formats that support transparency.

Auto-create when saving snapshot camera

If this setting is active, every time a snapshot is saved, an image will be saved as well.