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Create Terrain

Icon1 Terrain toolbar (AR) / Extras (ME)
Extras menu > Terrain (AR) / Extras menu > Special functions > Terrain (ME)

Click the TERRAIN function to start a terrain model. The terrain property bar appears and an empty terrain object is created. All further data is automatically inserted into this object.

Terrain property bar

The property bar becomes visible if you select the TERRAIN function to generate a terrain or if you click an existing terrain to edit it.

Function Description
terrain_params_ Terrain options
state_unknown_ Renovation planning state (only in ELITECAD Architecture)
terrain_generate_ Generate
terrain_mode_normal_ Terrain view mode
terrain_excavation_ Excavation mode
material_ Colour/Material selection
input_poly_ Entry mode
terrain_heightline_ Switch on height lines
terrain_hatching_ Switch on slope
terrain-reference-and-volume Volume
terrain_proto_ Protocol volume calculation
terrain_resetvolume_ Save reference terrain
terrain_addheightpoint_ New definition point
terrain_addheightline_ New height line
terrain_addedge_ New terrain edge/area
terrain_shiftheightlineorpoint_ Move points and curves in Z-direction
terrain_boundary_ Perimeter contour
terrain_excavation_ Excavation
terrain_deposit_ Landfill/dispersal
terrain_op_bool_ Free excavation
terrain_road_ Street
terrain_path_ Path
terrain_heightmarkers_ Height point

Terrain options

The "Parameter(s)" function calls up the detailed terrain options.
All parameters relevant to generating a terrain are saved with the terrain object. If you load a drawing with terrain, these are adopted and applied to the active parameters.

General parameters



Used to select predefined parameters.
In order to save a new terrain type record, the parameters have to be set and a new name has to be entered into the text field.
export_ Saving a terrain type record
remove_ Deleting a terrain type record


Every construction part has the layer field in the record with the layer selection. It is then guaranteed that the construction parts already lie in the correct layer when they are generated.
You can create a new layer by entering its name into the text field.

Renovation planning state

This option is only available in ELITECAD Architecture and is described in chapter Renovation planning state.
The state is valid for the whole object and is not for individual terrain modifications.


If this mode is switched ON, a new terrain is generated whenever a terrain function is activated. If the mode is switched OFF, an existing terrain is loaded for edit operations, and only if there is no existing terrain in the drawing a new terrain will be created.
When multi-terrain mode is enabled, the activation of terrain functions behaves like the functions of other objects – at the beginning a new object is created, and upon selection, the existing object is manipulated.
If the user only wants to use a single terrain model, the mode can remain switched off. The terrain function looks for the terrain model and activates it for modification.

Automatic update

If this is switched on, any modifications made to the terrain are implemented immediately. Some actions, however, require manual recalculation.
For performance reasons, this switch can be switched off. You can then only initiate a calculation by selecting the GENERIEREN function.

Terrain units

The unit is used to show and enter height values. It is also used for labelling height lines, displaying terrain point coordinates and showing the volume difference.

Import terrain

This function loads a terrain from a file as a reference terrain.

Further details about importing can be found in the Import terrain chapter.

Export terrain

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The selected terrain can be exported for use in another model or program. When exporting, points of the terrain surface are written to an ASCII text file.

When exporting, points are placed on a rectangular grid. There are three options for the method of distribution: the distance between points, the total number of points or a user-defined number in the X and Y direction. spacing

Generation parameters


Fix perimeter contour

Once the reference terrain is saved and this option is activated, the height along the perimeter contour is no longer modified.


The terrain is represented as a volume object and also has a surface on its underside. The height of the underside must be specified. The thickness indicates how far the underside should be away from the lowest point of the top surface.

2D-arc segmentation

This affects the drawn contours of the street, excavation, etc. If needed, existing arcs are replaced by one or more lines, depending on the setting.


The calculated surface's precision can vary. Even the "low" selection requires a certain minimum amount of precision.




The X/Y shift of the reference point is read in this field. This is only for information and can not be edited here. The terrain origin is the CAD reference point and applies to all terrain objects in the drawing.


An imported terrain is always loaded georeferenced, i.e. relative to the CAD reference point. If there is no CAD reference point yet, the terrain is loaded centered in the middle of the page and the CAD reference point is created. To ensure that the height points still show the original XY coordinates when selected, the corresponding offset is added to the coordinates. Should the need arise to manually define the offset, this is done from the Settings menu/Reference point…


As is the case with the X/Y offest, this is only here for information and can be defined using the CAD reference point Settings menu/Reference point…

Activate georeferenced coordinate system

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The terrain origin is always the CAD reference point. The terrain origin is valid for all terrain objects and serves as a reference point for the coordinate display of terrain points and curves. This also applies if the CAD reference point is not activated.
In order to display coordinates for points of the model georeferenced, the reference point for measuring must be set to the terrain origin. This function activates the CAD reference point as the active coordinate system. This reference system also differs visually from other rotated coordinate systems by a yellow rectangle. If this reference system is enabled, the coordinates of the entire model are georeferenced in the same way as the coordinates of the terrain points. Using the function RESET WORKPLANE, the reference system can be set to centre of the page. The CAD reference point can also be activated by double-clicking on the symbol.

Georeferenced coordinate system symbol on/off

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Switch the georeferencing coordinate symbol on and off.



The georeferencing coordinate symbol can also be activated-deactivated from the screen settings menu.

Entry from

Different options for entering the heights can be selected here. References to buildings and project settings are only valid for ELITECAD Architecture.
The terrain's default Z-height is always zero. The effect this null point has on the structure is dependent on the structure settings. If, for example, the "sea level" or "per structure" height marking system is selected here, the first entered structure is always at the null Z-height, so equal to the terrain's null point regardless of its height situation. If the "project null" height marking system is chosen, the project's null point is at the height entered here.

If the terrain's entry height is modified after its creation, do not correct the terrain's height itself but the values of the height curves, height lines, excavation, label, etc. If you would like to move the terrain's height, you must use the MOVE POINTS AND CURVES IN Z-DIRECTION function.

Manually set height

This switch setting unlocks the Z-OFFSET field in which a particular value can be added. If, for example, you select 20 m as the offset and define the heights with 20 m, the points are at the null Z-height.

Project null

This option automatically sets the "Z-offset" to 0 and the height entries are entered from the project null point. If the heights are defined with a 0 value, the points are at the null Z-height.

Sea level

If the SEA LEVEL option is selected, the height situation of the first entered structure is shown. Always indicate the heights in real sea levels.


The Z-offset is either entered or read in this field.

Adjust terrain horizontally

If a terrain model is adjusted relative to another object using the manipulation functions, it does not affect the terrain origin. On the other hand, if all terrain models in a drawing are moved horizontally, the terrain origin is adjusted as well. This allows for horizontal adjustments of an imported terrain to be made so it can be better aligned to the model without altering the georeferencing.

Adjust terrain in height

When a terrain object is adjusted in the z-direction using the manipulation functions, the 2D data of the terrain object will remain in the work plane at a height of zero. In contrast to the MOVE POINTS AND CURVES IN Z-DIRECTION function of the terrain property bar, the “normal” adjustment of the terrain will also move the terrain modifications (excavation, etc.). That way it is now also possible to correctly adjust terrain objects in the height direction.

Surface parameters


Excavation hatch

This is used for representing the slopes in an excavation plan. The type of hatch can be selected from the "selection box" where all records saved under the hatching parameters are listed.


All line hatches are always automatically shown perpendicular to the excavation edges regardless of the angle with which they were saved. Cross hatches are also represented with only one line.

Section hatch

This is used while creating a section view in order to hatch a section of the terrain. The type of hatch can be selected from the "selection box" where all records saved under the hatching parameters are listed.

Colour/material for surfaces and sides


Colour mode/material mode

color_sel_color_ color_sel_material_
This switch allows you to toggle between colour mode and material mode. For more details, see the Colours and Materials chapters.

Edge colour



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Choose whether hatches for all slopes (e.g. deposit, roads) are shown or only those of excavations.

Height line parameters



This entry determines the height distance with which the height lines will be drawn.

Start height

The height lines are displayed and labelled from this height.

Height line text

You can indicate here on which height line the text should be. The first pen from the Colour selections is used for the text on the labelled lines.


The angle indicates an approximate guideline for the text position.

Colour selections

The first pen applies to the labelled height lines and the second pen for the height lines in between. The pen colours can be directly entered or selected from the colour table. (from 0-1023)

Text parameters

The type of text can be selected from the "selection box" where all records saved under the text parameters are listed.

Decimal places

Enter how many digits there will be after the decimal point.

Create as

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Enter whether the height lines will be generated in the floor plan, in their actual height or in both 2D and 3D.


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Choose whether the height lines should be shown also for modifications.


When it is being depicted with modifications the *Slope Hatching* still takes precedence if it is activated.

Without With
without-mod-without-hatch with-mod-without-hatch
without-mod-with-hatch with-mod-with-hatch


The terrain is recalculated using the "Generate" function. All definition curves and definition points are used. In case a perimeter contour was defined, the terrain is restricted by this contour.


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In case the Gerneration calculation is too large and taking too long to calculate, the process can be aborted with Esc.

Terrain view mode

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With structure

Edits are generally carried out in this depiction mode. The terrain is displayed depending on the screen parameters.

Step by step

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This opens the terrain inspector which allows each action in the development of the terrain to be viewed individually.


All modifications are given a name automatically. The automatic naming consists of the type of modification it is and a number. Terrain surface 1 is an example from the above image.
These can of course be edited at anytime to suit any specific needs.
Example from above image: Terrain surface 1

Reference terrain

This switchs to the reference terrain. Should this not be present, the terrain is displayed without architectural measures. In this case, a warning message appears.

Excavation mode

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Without excavation

Edits are generally carried out in this mode. The excavation contours are integrated perpendicularly upwards and without side distance into the terrain. The final edited terrain then directly connects to the building.

With excavation

The terrain is represented as a 3D excavation plan with all slopes in this depiction mode. The terrain is recalculated when toggling between depiction modes.

Colour mode/material mode

color_sel_color_ color_sel_material_
This switch allows you to toggle between colour mode and material mode. For more details, see the Colours and Materials chapters.


Entry mode

You have two options available for generating a terrain edge/area, perimeter contour, excavation, landfill/dispersal, street or path: Either draw the contour directly, or you can define a polygon before accessing the function and select it.

Draw contour manually

You can draw a contour directly.

Create from existing contour

You can select an existing 2D polygon.

Switch on height lines

Height sections can be activated in the property bar using this switch. Planar, horizontal sections are calculated and the result is projected as 2D curves into the X/Y-plane. The calculation follows according to the set parameters with distance and label. These curves serve as a result for the excavation plan and are not provided for modifying the terrain.

Switch on slope

Slope hatches can be activated in the property bar using this switch. The outlines of the excavation contour's slopes are hatched according to the selected parameters. If the hatch in use is a line hatch, then the lines point in the direction of the steepest incline.

Reference terrain and volume


If no reference terrain exists, the excavation volume is determined as follows:
The terrain surface is generated from definition curves and points. This state is adopted as its initial state. Excavation, landfill/dispersal, streets, etc. are integrated into the surface and result in a new edited surface. The difference between the initial state and the edited surface is displayed as volume in the property bar.


A positive value means: material must be added; negative means: material must be removed.

In practice, the terrain appears different on an undeveloped parcel of land as it should finally look. Height points are generally determined by the surveyor and describe an original terrain. The volume difference should optionally refer to the original terrain. In order to reach this, you must first define the original terrain and then freeze this state using the "Save reference terrain" function. This frozen terrain is referred to as reference terrain. Points and curves can later be modified in such a way that the final surface is created. If the reference terrain has been created once, the calculation of the volume difference refers to the difference between the reference terrain and the finished, edited surface.
The reference terrain can no longer be edited but can be replaced by recreating another. If the perimeter contour is modified, then the reference terrain should be reset since the difference would not give a meaningful value.

When saving the reference terrain, you can choose whether the reference terrain is saved with or without modifications. The volume difference in the property bar then always refers to the reference terrain. The calculation log, on the other hand, always outputs all modifications.

Protocol volume calculation


Only one value is displayed in the property bar for a volume, and that is the total difference. However, each individual modification can mean a removal in one place and a filling in another place. The log gives an exact list of the individual modifications and the overall change in the info window. A name can be specified for the modifications to differentiate between the individual steps.

Terrain quantities

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The volume calculation with all individual modifications can also be output in the form of a quantity report.
