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New Height Line

Icon1 Terrain toolbar (AR) / Extras (ME)
Extras menu > Terrain (AR) / Extras menu > Special functions > Terrain (ME)

You can switch between the TERRAIN functions and the height line property bars using the NEW HEIGHT LINE function. Height lines are created as NURBS curves.

Height line property bar

The property bar becomes visible if you select the NEW HEIGHT LINE function to generate a height line or if you click an existing height line to edit it.

Function Description
nurbs_curve_start_ NURBS begin
nurbs_curve_end_ NURBS end
nurbs_curve_close_ NURBS close
nurbs_selectcurve_ Select contour
linetype_ Line type
pen_ Colour selection
x-coordinates X-coordinate
y-coordinates Y-coordinate
z-coordinates Z-coordinate
nurbs_curve_delete_point_ Delete point
nurbs_curve_delete_ Delete line
terrain_uplevel_ To terrain property bar

NURBS begin

Click this function to define new height lines. This function must be restarted for every new height line.

The following query appears after activating this function:

Please enter 1st point [Return = End]
The easiest would be to enter the height curves into the top view. Here you can enter the desired Z-value in the property bar and enter points onto the curve with the mouse. The cursor's coordinates are shown in the curve property bar. The height curve is calculated by entering these points and is displayed as a preview. The resulting curve is generated as a smooth NURBS curve. As a result, it is not possible to create corners. All of the points lie on a plane, even if the curve is created in a rotated view.

The height line’s settings can be confirmed with  Enter , "NURBS end", "NURBS close" or by double-clicking.
If the "Automatic update" option is activated, the terrain is automatically recalculated. Otherwise you must initiate the GENERATE function.


A curve can be either open or closed.


This confirms an entry of an open curve.

NURBS close

This confirms an entry of a closed curve either by selecting the start point or by using the "NURBS close" function. The transition from the start to end point is also smoothly calculated.


Using either "NURBS end" or "NURBS close", the form can later be switched between open and closed by editing the height line.

Select contour

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The selected contour will be used to automatically create a new height line.

Line type

The curves are represented by a line. The line type can be adjusted here.

Colour selections

The curves are represented by a line. The colour can be adjusted here.


The curves are only visible in the 3D design model and can have different colours.

Colour selection – Direct entry

The pen colour can be entered directly. (from 0-1023)

Colour selection over table

The pen colour is selected here from the colour table.


At this point, the coordinates of the active points of a height line are displayed.

Delete point

Clicking on a definition curve shows the curve property bar. Handles (small squares) then appear by the originally entered points; the active point's handle is shown in another colour.

A height line's points which are no longer in use must be selected and deleted individually from the curve using the "Delete point" function.

Delete line

This deletes the selected existing curve.

To terrain property bar

Once all of the curves have been created, you can go back to the terrain property bar using the back button.

Modify height lines

Clicking on a definition curve shows the curve property bar. Handles (small squares) then appear by the originally entered points; the active point's handle is shown in another colour. The active point's coordinates are shown in the property bar. After a short wait, any change made to the values is applied. The point changes position and the curve is recalculated. Alternatively, the point can be moved with the mouse and a preview of the new curve is shown. In the view, only the X- or Y-values of a point can be modified with the mouse. Modifying the Z-value in the entry field moves the entire curve.