Perimeter ContourΒΆ
Terrain toolbar (AR) / Extras (ME) |
Extras menu > Terrain (AR) / Extras menu > Special functions > Terrain (ME) |
If no perimeter contour has been defined, the terrain's outer border is based on the definition curves and definition points. It is not extrapolated outwards.
The "Perimeter contour" function prompts you to either draw a contour or to select an existing polygon, depending on which Entry mode is selected.
The perimeter contour generally marks the limits of the piece of land. Naturally, every polygon can be selected as a perimeter contour that meets the following requirements:
- The contour is closed
- The contour has no holes
- The contour lies within the points and curves
- The contour lies in a plane parallel to the floor X/Y-plane
If the function is performed for the second time, the new perimeter contour will replace the previous one. The reference terrain is also deleted.