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The majority of settings in ELITECAD can be changed while running the program. (e.g. menu SETTINGS > OPTIONS)
Some settings on the other hand have to be set at program start, and cannot be changed during program execution. These settings can be defined in the ELITECAD configuration program. Depending on the installed program, some settings may be disabled.

ELITECAD saves settings individually for each user. Therefore, the configuration has to be done for every ELITECAD user upon registration.

To ensure correct operation of ELITECAD for every user, the configuration program should be started, and the settings should be checked and definitely closed with ok at least once, even if there were no changes made to the settings.

Information about trademarks

Microsoft and Windows are licensed names of the Microsoft Corporation.

Open ELITECAD Configuration

Windows start menu > ELITECAD configuration
The changed settings will be active upon the next start of ELITECAD.

Language, Region, Viewer Mode

Depending on the installed program, different options are offered in the ELITECAD configuration:



This setting specifies the language of the user interface.


This setting specifies which country-specific parameters will be used in ELITECAD (e.g. Parameters for dimensions, hatches, architecture objects).
The region can also be set to adopt the Windows system settings.
The region can be selected by country.



This setting specifies the language of the user interface.


This setting specifies which country-specific parameters will be used in ELITECAD (e.g. Parameters for dimensions, hatches, mechanics objects).
The region can also be set to adopt the Windows system settings.
The region aligns to the language setting and can not be seperately selected.



This setting specifies the language of the user interface.


This setting specifies which country-specific parameters will be used in ELITECAD (e.g. Parameters for dimensions, hatches, architecture objects, mechanics objects).
The region can also be set to adopt the Windows system settings.
The region can only be selected by country in ELITECAD Architecture. In ELITECAD Mechanics, the region aligns to the language setting.

Viewer Mode

The viewer mode defines which functions will be available in the ELITECAD Viewer or Styler. E.g. storey manager in architecture mode or assembly manager in mechanical mode.



Path for projects

Compare Appendix > Recommended Configuration
This path will be used to create projects. The project path is already defined during installation. It can also be located on a server.

Path for project templates

This path will be used to provide project templates for ELITECAD Architecture. The directory can be chosen arbitrarily and may be located on a server as well.

Path for working copies

Compare Appendix > Recommended Configuration
This path is used to create working copies (temporary files). It should be a path to a local directory.

Path for temporary files

Compare Appendix > Recommended Configuration
This directory will be used to save various files during program execution (e.g. protocol files). This path should be a local directory as well.


Upon loading (saving) of drawings from the network, the file will be saved temporarily. Therefore, the user has to obtain all privileges to access this folder.

Codeword check

EELITECAD has three options for checking codeword

  • by network adapter (e.g. student version)
  • by dongle (local dongle on the workstation)
  • license server (license server software on the server)

Network adapter

If multiple network adapters are installed you have to select the appropriate one.
The entry of codewords for the selected network adapter is required.


If the driver for the dongle is missing, it will be installed. Click through the dialog windows. At the end of the installation, a message appears the installation of the driver was successful (operation successfully completed).
The entry of codewords for the dongle is required.

License server

The license server software and its dongle inclusive codewords have to be installed on the server. Enter the name of the server where the license server is running.

Entering the codeword

This button leads to the codeword entry dialog.
Usually you receive the codewords as a text file. The easiest way to install the codewords is to save the file on your computer and then use the dialog Read codeword file. Select the correct file and the codewords are read automatically.
Alternatively you can enter the codewords for each module manually.



The parameters are divided into User settings and Global presets.

Both of the parameter data sets are again divided into

  • Basic-parameters (cad) hatches, texts, dimensions, etc.
  • Architecture-parameters (ar) wall, floor, window, etc.
  • Mechanics-parameters (me) screwing-, standard parts, etc.

Path for user settings

Compare Appendix > Recommended Configuration
Each user can save their individual settings for the user interface and individual parameters. These settings will be saved under the pre-defined path ‘path for user settings’ in the folder elitecfg. If an ELITECAD dialog saves any kind of data set (text, hatches …), then it will be saved in these user settings.
This path has to be located on the local hard disk.


Local user settings for:

Basis ...\elitecfg\<version>\cad\glob\<region>\config.val
Architecture \elitecfg\<version>\ar\gr\<region>\config.val
Mechanics \elitecfg\<version>\me\glob\<region>\config.val
User interface \elitecfg\<version>\ar\globpal\<region>\config.val

Depending on the country settings <region> is replaced by en_uk (United Kingdom), en_us (USA), etc.
In ELITECAD Mechanics, <region> is replaced by en (English), fr (French), de (German), etc.

Administrate user settings over network

Compare Appendix > Recommended Configuration
This option manages the user settings on the network. If this option is enabled, the parameters from the specified network path will be loaded upon starting ELITECAD, and will be saved again to the same path when the program is closed.
This option can be used to save data or if users are working on several different computers in the same network with the same personalized user settings. In this case, the network path has to be a personalized server drive.

Administrate parameter-presets over the network

Parameter-presets deactivated

In the initial state, this option is deactivated. In this case, the program uses the predefined standard parameters from the installation path of ELITECAD.


Global presets are stored at

*<Installation path>\u\<version>*...
Basis \cad\glob\dflt\<region>\config.val
Architecture \ar\gr\dflt\<region>\config.val
Mechanics \me\glob\dflt\<region>\config.val
Drainage \ar\sa\dflt\<region>\config.val
Line types \cad\glob\linetypes\<region>\config.val

Depending on the country settings <region> en_uk (United Kingdom), en_us (USA), etc.
In ELITECAD Mechanics, <region> en (English), fr (French), de (German), etc.

Change parameter presets

In order to change these parameters or add new data sets, an environment variable has to be set. Furthermore, in the menu Settings > Options under system > Configuration in ELITECAD the storage type has to be changed to global.

Environment variable: HD_ADMINISTRATOR = 0
Windows-System properties > System > Advanced System settings
change-parameter-presets change-parameter-presets2

With every restart, the storage type in ELITECAD will be reset to user automatically.

Parameter-presets activated

Compare Appendix > Recommended Configuration
If there are multiple workstations in the same network it makes sense to move the parameter-presets to a network drive, so that all users can work with the same presets. When ELITECAD is started, all parameters from the provided network path will be copied to the local path:
<User directory>\globalcfg.
One user takes care of managing these parameters, by not only reading them, but also storing them back to the server. (More details are provided in the previous section.)

Copying parameter-presets to a network location

There is a small help tool, which automatically copies the basis-, architecture-, and mechanics-parameters, taking the version and country settings into account.
By double clicking globalcfg.bat in the directory <ELITECAD Installation path>\u\<version>\cad\glob\scr the program will be started.
At first, the paths are displayed, and with the push of a button, the files will be copied. After another click, the program will be closed again.

Administering parameter-presets over the network

The workstation that is performing the management of the parameters on the server has to take the following steps:

  1. Set the environment variable RMI_CONFIG_RESTORE_U = 1
    Windows-System settings > System > Extended System settings
    change-parameter-presets change-parameter-presets2
    This variable enables that the parameters will be copied back to the server whenever ELITECAD is closed.
  2. In order to even be able to save global parameters, the points from section Change parameter-presets have to be taken into account.