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Delete 3D

Icon1 Manipulate toolbar

This function is used to delete the 3D definitions.

After activating this function, select the desired definition by clicking on a surface or curve. The selected surface is then displayed in magenta. Before it is deleted, you must confirm this is correct.

2D contours of the object remain during this process.


If a 3D definition is selected with element part selection mode ( Alt  key pressed), the 3D definition can also be deleted with  Del . Multiple selection is possible with  Shift .

Delete boolean operation

If a 3D definition is deleted that is derived from basic objects (e.g. Boolean operation) only the result of the last operation is deleted and the source objects are set visible again.


Deleting Boolean Operations can be executed directly from the property bar.

Delete 3D by type

These special functions are mainly intended for the usage with the classification structure of ELITECAD Mechanics. They delete exactly those 3D definitions, which have a specific type depending on the ENTRY MODE switch. The 2D data remains.


Consider the ENTRY MODE switch before deleting! Either the appropriate 3D definition in the active object is deleted or all appropriate 3D objects that are visible on the screen.

The following functions are working similarly and differ only in the type of the 3D definition to be deleted.

Delete planar surface

Icon1 3D toolbar

Delete extrude

Icon1 3D toolbar

Delete box

Icon1 3D toolbar

Delete rotation extrude

Icon1 3D toolbar

Delete rotation box

Icon1 3D toolbar

Delete trans surface

Icon1 Freeform / curve toolbar

Delete trans box

Icon1 Freeform / curve toolbar

Delete design surface

Icon1 Freeform / curve toolbar

Delete design box

Icon1 Freeform / curve toolbar

Delete free form

Icon1 Freeform / curve toolbar

Delete 2-views curve

Icon1 Freeform / curve toolbar

Delete 2-views object

Icon1 3D toolbar

Delete 3-views object

Icon1 3D toolbar

Delete boolean operation

Icon1 Change toolbar