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Connect surfaces

Icon1 Surfaces toolbar
Modify menu > Surfaces > Connect

This function creates a connecting surface between two surfaces. The transition of surfaces to the connecting surface can be tangential or edge-on-edge.

The following queries appear after activating this function:

Transition tangential on both surfaces?
If you confirm this query with "Y"", the transition of the surfaces to the connecting surface is smooth. Enter "N" and the surface is drawn with sharp edges.

Please click on the surface in the 3D view
The points of the surfaces to be connected can be clicked with the mouse.

This surface?
If the surface that has turned magenta is the desired surface, confirm the query with "Y"  Enter . However, if the magenta surface is not the desired surface, respond to the query with "N"  Enter . In this case, the query Please click on the surface in the 3D view.


If the transition is not tangential, the first query is Please select definition. Then click on the border curve in the 3D view and confirm that this is correct.


Connect surfaces
First, create two surfaces with different heights. The exact description can be found in the workshop DEFINE SURFACE.


Select the CONNECT SURFACE function
Transition tangential on both surfaces?

Confirm with "Y"  Enter .
Please click on the surface in the 3D view

Use the mouse to click on the point where you want to connect.
Make sure that you click on the side of the surface that is to be connected.
This surface?

Confirm with "Y"  Enter .
Please click on the surface in the 3D view

Use the mouse to click on the other surface to which you want to connect.
Here too, make sure that you click on the side of the surface that is to be connected.
This surface?

Confirm with "Y"  Enter .
The connecting surface is created.

Tangential transition Non-tangential transition
connect-surfaces-tangential connect-surfaces-non-tangential

Smooth surfaces

Icon1 Surfaces toolbar
Modify menu > Surfaces > Smooth

This function is used to create a tangential transition between two trans, design or free form surfaces. The border curves are retained.

The following queries appear after activating this function:

Please click on the surface in the 3D view
Now select the desired surface by clicking on it.

This surface?
If the surface that has turned magenta is the desired surface, confirm the query with "Y"  Enter . However, if the surface is not the desired surface, respond to the query with "N"  Enter . In this case, the query Please click on the surface in the 3D view. This cycle is continued until positive confirmation is received for the query This surface?.

Please click on the surface in the 3D view [ Enter = calculate]
Here you can select another surface by clicking on it, or smooth the interior of the selected surface by pressing  Enter . If another surface is selected, the query This surface? appears again (as described above).

Tangential to the first surface?
If you press "Y"  Enter , the first surface is not changed and the second is connected to the first surface tangentially. If you press "N"  Enter , the transition to both surfaces is adapted.


Contour or path must be connected to the start or endpoints.


Smooth surface
Draw two trans surfaces from one path and two contours. The exact description can be found in the workshop DEFINE TRANS SURFACE.

smooth-surface smooth-surface-before

Select the SMOOTH SURFACE function
Please click on the surface in the 3D view

Now select the desired surface by clicking on it.
Click on the base surface.
This surface?

Confirm with "Y"  Enter .
Please click on the surface in the 3D view [ Enter = calculate]

Click on the other surface and confirm the query This surface? with  Enter .
Tangential to the first surface?

Confirm with "Y"  Enter .

Before smoothing after smoothing
smooth-surface-before smooth-surface-after

Join surfaces

Icon1 Surfaces toolbar
Modify menu > Surfaces > Join

This function is used to connect trans, design or free form surfaces with a common border curve. This is particularly desirable in mould construction, so that one single surface can be formed from several individual surfaces, and this one surface can be shaped or manipulated further.
The result is a new surface and the starting surfaces are deleted. The parameters of the new surface (e.g. colour) are transferred from the first surface selected.

The following query appears after activating this function:

Please click on the surface in the 3D view [ Enter = calculate]
Now select a desired surface by clicking on it.

This surface and parameters?
If you confirm with "Y"  Enter , the surface is included in the calculations. However, if the query is confirmed with "N"  Enter , the query Please click on the surface in the 3D view [ Enter = calculate] appears again. This cycle is continued until positive confirmation is received for the query This surface and parameters?.


The connecting surfaces must be selected in the order in which they are to be joined.
The Join surface function works for as many surfaces as you wish, if they share a common border curve.
Otherwise, Join surfaces only works for two surfaces at a time. To connect as many surfaces as you want, you have to repeat the function.


If the selected surfaces do not have a common border curve, one of these two messages appears in the info window:

First and second surface have no common border curve. Two of the surfaces have no common border curve.

If joining does not work in principle, the following message appears:

Merge surfaces cancelled.


Join surface
Draw two trans surfaces from one path and two contours. The exact description can be found in the workshop DEFINE TRANS SURFACE.

smooth-surface smooth-surface-before

Select the JOIN SURFACE function.
Please click on the surface in the 3D view [ Enter = calculate]

Click on the base surface.
This surface and parameters?

Confirm with "Y"  Enter .
Please click on the surface in the 3D view [ Enter = calculate]

Click on the other surface and confirm the query This surface and parameters? with "Y"  Enter .

The function can now be closed with "Y"  Enter .

Before joining after joining
smooth-surface-before join-surface-after

Lengthen surfaces

Icon1 Surfaces toolbar
Modify menu > Surfaces > Lengthen

This function is used to lengthen a surface tangentially.

The following query appears after activating this function:

Please select definition.
Now select a desired surface by clicking on it.

Please click the surface on the desired edge in 3D view
Now the side that you want to lengthen must be specified, by clicking inside the surface.

Lengthen surface?
If the surface that has turned magenta is the desired surface, confirm the query with "Y"  Enter . However, if the surface is not the desired surface, respond to the query with "N"  Enter . In this case, the query Please click the surface on the desired edge in 3D view appears again.

Please enter length
Now enter the new desired length.


For trimmed surfaces, a new surface is created which joins tangentially. If the starting surface is not trimmed, the starting surface is lengthened.


Lengthen surfaces
Draw a trans surface from one path and one contour. The exact description can be found in the workshop DEFINE TRANS SURFACE.

lengthen-surfaces lengthen-surfaces-before

Select the LENGTHEN SURFACE function.
Please select definition.

Click on the surface you want to lengthen.
Please click the surface on the desired edge in 3D view

Click on the inner edge of the surface.
Lengthen surface?

Confirm with "Y"  Enter .
Please enter length

Enter a value (200) and confirm it with  Enter .

Before lengthening after lengthening
lengthen-surfaces-before lengthen-surfaces-after

Invert surfaces

Icon1 Surfaces toolbar
Modify menu > Surfaces > Invert

This function can be used to reverse the normal vector direction of a surface.
The following queries appear after activating this function:
Please click on the surface in the 3D view [enter = End]
Now select one of the desired surfaces by clicking on it. The selected surface is then coloured magenta.

This surface?
Confirm this query with "Y"  Enter  and the direction of the normal vectors (displayed in red) is reversed. However, if the magenta surface is not the desired surface, respond to the query with "N"  Enter . In this case, the query Please click on the surface in the 3D view [enter = End].


This preparation of surfaces makes it possible for the radius for all surfaces to be entered with the same sign when performing TRIMMEN/RUNDEN. This prevents errors due to incorrect entries.


Invert surfaces
First, draw a box and a slanted surface over three points. The exact description can be found in the workshops DEFINE BOX and DEFINE SURFACE.

invert-surfaces invert-surfaces2

Select the INVERT SURFACES function.
Please click on the surface in the 3D view [enter = End]

Click on the slanted surface.
This surface?

Confirm with "Y"  Enter .

The function can now be closed with  Enter .

Example with Boolean operation:
Normal vectors upwards Result after Boolean operation
invert-surfaces3 invert-surfaces4
Normal vectors downwards Result after Boolean operation
invert-surfaces5 invert-surfaces6

Parallel surfaces

Icon1 Surfaces toolbar
Modify menu > Surfaces > Parallel

This function allows you to generate a surface that is the same distance from a given surface at one point.

The following queries appear after activating this function:

Please click on the surface in the 3D view
Click on the surface. It is then coloured magenta.

This surface?
If the surface that has turned magenta is the desired surface, confirm the query with "Y"  Enter . If not, confirm the query with "N"  Enter . In this case, the query Please click surface on the desired edge in the 3D view appears again.

Please enter offset
Enter the desired distance.


A positive value is assessed in the direction of normal vectors; a negative value is the reverse.


Parallel surfaces
First, draw a slanted surface over three points. The exact description can be found in the workshop DEFINE SURFACE.

define-surface parallel-surfaces2

Select the PARALLEL SURFACES function.
Please click on the surface in the 3D view

Click on the surface.
This surface?

Confirm with "Y"  Enter .
Please enter offset

Enter the desired distance (400) and confirm with  Enter .

The parallel surface is displayed automatically.

parallel-surfaces3 parallel-surfaces4

Outline model

Icon1 Surfaces toolbar
Modify menu > Surfaces > Outline model

Use this function to outline any 2D contour on a surface (e.g. fonts, logos, etc.).


Following the query *Which model as border (Select point)? ( Enter = Cancel outline), a corresponding 2D model can be clicked on the reference point and entered onto a specific surface.
However, if you want to delete an existing outline model again, you can do so with  Enter . Then click on the surface from which the outline model is to be removed.


For the options APPLY DIRECT and APPLY AS HOLE, the 2D model must be closed. Changes to the shape and position of the 2D model automatically affect the surface.



Apply model direct

Use the option APPLY MODEL DIRECT to cut out the surface. The selected model remains.

Apply model as hole

The surface is also cut out with this option, However, the model selected is removed from the surface.

Apply model as curve

When the model is applied "as curve", a 3D curve is created, which you can continue to edit. The surface is not changed.

Adjust horizontally

The selected model is adjusted to be the same width as the surface.

Adjust vertically

The selected model is adjusted to be the same height as the surface.


When you apply the 2D model without adjustment, an attempt is made to apply the model to the surface to scale (1:1). (For free form surfaces, this is only possible with a distortion). If the model protrudes over the edge of the surface, it is scaled.


Outline model
First, draw a slanted surface over three points. The exact description can be found in the workshop DEFINE SURFACE.
Then a circle can be drawn inside the rectangle in a new model.

outline-model outline-model2

The following queries appear after activating this function:
Which model as border (Select point)? ( Enter = Remove outline)

The corresponding 2D model can now be clicked on the reference point.
Click on point P1 on the circle in the wire model.
Apply onto which surface (select point)

Now switch to the solid design model and click on point P2 on the surface. This also determines the position of the reference point.

display_mode_wireframe_ display_mode_solid_
outline-model3 outline-model4

The options window opens.
Now click on one of the following options and confirm the window with ok. The surface is cut out.

surfacelimit_dialog_mode1_ surfacelimit_dialog_mode2_
outline-model5 outline-model6
Examples with the Adjust option:
surfacelimit_dialog_stretch_x_ surfacelimit_dialog_stretch_y_
outline-model7 outline-model8

Delete trimming

Icon1 Surfaces toolbar
Modify menu > Surfaces > Delete trimming

This function is used to restore trimmed surfaces that have been edited using the function TRIM SURFACES. These surfaces are then re-displayed as untrimmed surfaces.


To restore trimmed surfaces, they must not have been trimmed using the associative function.

After activating this function, select the desired surface by clicking on it. The selected surface is then displayed in magenta. Before it is restored, you must confirm this is correct with  Enter .

Origin Surfaces trimmed Trimming deleted
delete-trimming-origin delete-trimming-surfaces-trimmed delete-trimming-deleted

Delete single surface

Icon1 Surfaces toolbar
Modify menu > Surfaces > Delete single surface

Use this function to delete a single surface from a definition.
After activating this function, select the desired surface by clicking on it. The selected surface is then displayed in magenta. Before it is deleted, you must confirm this is correct with  Enter .


Clicking on the surface again deselects it.

delete-trimming-example delete-trimming-example2

Surface-division operation

Icon1 Modify menu > Surfaces > Surface-division operation

This function is used to divide connecting free form surfaces. After activating this function, select the desired object by clicking on it.