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Edit Piping Network

Set height

Icon1 Drainage property bar

This function can be used to bring the piping network to a final height gradient. The height of a piping network's load points, raised load points as well as branching and end points can also be fixed or modified. To set the heights, you must first generate the piping network.
If the heights of points within a piping network are modified, these same changes are applied to the lower piping parts on the intended slope. A drop can then be defined in the resulting piping section.

Set height property bar

The property bar appears when you select the SET HEIGHT function.

Function Description
bs_niveaubase_storey_ Height reference

Height reference

There are three different types of height reference.

Sea level

The entry is in metres above sea level.


The entry is in metres above the project null point.


The entry is from the active storey and in the active unit.


If the RAISE/LOWER LOAD POINTS function is performed, the height of the upper or lower point can be modified. The desired point in the wire design model is then easy to select.


If modifying the height undercuts the intended slope in the piping, an error message in the form of a large X appears.
This message can be requested with the model information (measurement functions). These are then output in the info window.


Icon1 Drainage property bar

This function can be used to modify the cross-section of multiple pipings simultaneously. The load points must be set before you can set a dimension.

Dimensions property bar

The property bar appears when you select the DIMENSIONS function.

Function Description
diameter_ Dimension


The load point's dimension can be either selected or entered here.

After you call up the function, the new cross-section in the property bar is set and you can click the desired pipings. The function is confirmed with Enter .

Set drop

Icon1 Drainage property bar

This function can be used to set a drop in the piping sections. To set a drop, you must first generate the piping network and set the effective incline to be greater than the intended slope. To do this, you must shift the height of a particular 3D node.
Likewise, the maximal possible height difference must be great enough for the necessary curves to be generated.

After you call up the function, you must click the desired piping section. The prompt "Set slope at what point or <ENTER> for automatic?". The point for the drop can then be specified or the query confirmed with  Enter . In this case, the drop is set at the lowest possible point.
If the requirements for a drop are met, the maximum possible height difference is shown in the entry line. This can be adopted or overwritten by a lower difference. The angle for the offset is subsequently requested.
If the default is not used and the angle does not come to 90°, the query "Shift in which direction?" appears. If you click on the upper end of the piping, the previously selected point for the "offset" is the lower start of the drop. The lower end shown is then the upper point of the drop.

Raise/lower load points

Icon1 Drainage property bar

The function is used to add 3D lines upwards or downwards to vertical load points. The base height remains unchanged. To raise/lower load points, the vertical load points must be present and the slope calculation must be carried out.

After you call up the function, you must click the desired piping network.


Both the base height and the raised/lowered point can be further modified with the SET HEIGHT function.