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Create Floor Opening

Icon1 Construction parts toolbar
AR Objects menu > Floor opening

You can use this function to define floor openings and slits in 2D and 3D.

When you open the CREATE SLAB OPENING function, the settings of the most recently placed opening are active and the slab opening can be placed immediately.

Floor opening property bar

floor-opening property bar

The property bar is visible as soon as the CREATE FLOOR OPENING function is started or if an existing opening is edited.
You can manipulate the main values in the property bar.

Function Description
flooropen_params_ Floor opening parameters
slab-opening-type Type
state_unknown_ Renovation planning state
flooropen_type_floor_ Opening type
column_shape_rect_ Shape
flooropen_type_floor_ Shadow type
object_param_length_int_ Opening width
object_param_width_int_ Opening height
state_fillopening_ Close openings automatically (renovation planning)
slab-opening-depiction-properties 2D depiction in own storey
flooropen_other_storey_ 2D depiction in other storey on / off
slab-opening-depiction-properties 2D depiction in other storey

Floor opening parameters


You can open the floor opening parameters from the property bar or by double-clicking the floor opening to be modified.
After you enter the values and confirm with ok, you are prompted for the position of the opening. Once you enter a point, you can define the position of the opening using the flip cursor.


General parameters

The general parameters for architectural objects are described in chapter Architecture objects.


Slab opening


Ceiling opening


Slab slot


Ceiling slot



column_shape_rect_  column_shape_circle_  input_cont_

The shapes rectangular, circular and free contour are available. The rectangular and circular shapes are defined over parameters whereas for the free contour a previously created contour has to be selected.


flooropen_type_floor_  flooropen_cross_

Shadow depiction can be turned off if desired.


Slab opening:

Ceiling slot:


Dimensions of opening


Lists the depth of a slot opening

3D depiction

Define here whether the opening should be visible in 3D.

2D depiction in other storey

Define here whether the 2D depiction should be visible in the storey above or below the current one.

Automatically (renovation planning)

If a slab opening is set to demolition state, this option can be used to generate a slab in order to fill the opening automatically.

Exclude floor finish

The slab opening will also be applied to the room parameters.

Use only free ceilings in active storey

This option is only available for ceiling openings.



Pen and line type


Here you can select the pen/line type for the 2D depiction.


If you switch on "Shadow", the opening is depicted with a shadow and the configured hatch colour for the shadow is used as an infill hatch. However, hatch is only used for floor openings and slots. The shadow for the ceilings is depicted diagonally from the floor shadow and is not hatched.


Here, enter the pen number for the infill hatch of the shadow.

Text symbol

wallopen_text_no_ Symbol is switched off

wallopen_text_line_ Symbol is switched on



A free text can be entered here.

Selection of library part


Here, you can select a specific library part for the symbol. The standard symbols are stored under <ELITECAD installation directory>\u\<version>\ar\glob\symbol.


If you would like to create a symbol of your own, it is best to load a template from the path listed above (wd_text.d or wd_text_new.d). Adapt the symbol as you wish, and save it under a new name. Make sure the reference point for placement of the symbol is in the centre of the page.
Autotext entries for the slab opening:
