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The VDAFS import/export interface is an add-on and requires a separate codeword.

VDA-FS import

Icon1 Interfaces toolbar (optional)
File menu > Import > VDA-FS

This function is used to import data in the VDA-FS format.

After activation of the function, the dialog window Import VDA-FS opens. Having selected the desired file, the following query appears:

"2D-depiction projected [0], rectangle [1] or without elements [2]"

  • Projected: the wire frame is projected in the current workspace
  • Rectangle: the box borders are created as a rectangle in the current workspace
  • No elements: an empty object is created

The protocol contains the header of the VDA-FS file and a statistic, which is saved after completion of the import process. Additionally, the dimensions of the box borders are noted. Hints for the scaling may be contained as well.

VDA-FS export

Icon1 Interfaces toolbar (optional)
File menu > Export > VDA-FS

Currently visible 3D data is saved in VDA-FS format. The saved VDA-FS file should always be checked by reading it back.

After activation of the function the dialog window VDA-FS Export opens.


A statistic is displayed in the info window.

VDA-FS parameter

Icon1 Menu Settings > Options > Save/Load > Interfaces > VDA-FS-Parameters

This function is used to set the parameters for the VDA-FS import and export.
After activation of the function the VDA-FS parameter window appears:

Parameters for the import

Some element types can be switched on or off.

  • points
  • point sequence (polylines)
  • point-vector sequence (polylines with normal vectors)
  • circles
  • curves
  • surfaces
  • surfaces trimmed

Attention: Trimmed surfaces consist of curves and surfaces.

The check boxes for SET and GROUP define, if the VDA-FS types SET and GROUP are considered for the import.

In the field Scaling, the desired factor can be specified. (default = 1)

Parameters for the export

In the field Version the desired VDA-FS version is specified. (default = 2.0)
Some element types can be switched on or off.

  • curves
  • surfaces

The switch special parts defines if special parts are saved into a separate group or not.

The field company always needs to be filled in. Otherwise, the ELITECAD file cannot be converted into a VDA-FS file. The other fields are optional.